Ecological Footprints Internet Resources. Carbon Footprints Calculators – Estimation of CO 2 emissions from home energy, transportation, food preferences,

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Presentation on theme: "Ecological Footprints Internet Resources. Carbon Footprints Calculators – Estimation of CO 2 emissions from home energy, transportation, food preferences,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecological Footprints Internet Resources

2 Carbon Footprints Calculators – Estimation of CO 2 emissions from home energy, transportation, food preferences, goods and services. Valuable information regarding climate change, CO 2 reduction, offset projects. Pretty simple to use, visually attractive. Calculations are presented.

3 Carbon Footprints Internet resource Individual estimation CO 2 reduction measures Offsetting projects Information Simplicity Graphics Calculations Comments Carbon Footprint Calculator xxxxxx Very complete. Simple comparison with the Country average and the world target. Carbon Footprint Calculator: What’s my carbon footprint? alculator/ xxxxxxx Comparisons to US national average. It offers an open space to speak out and tell leaders what you are interested on protecting from climate change. Climate change news and Actions by SafeClimate – Calculator xxxx Specific calculations for U.S. and International individuals. Household Emissions Calculator - EPA _calculator.html xxx Shows estimated savings ($ and CO2 emissions). Carbon Footprint Calculator-TerraPass calculator/ xxx It estimates businesses carbon footprint. Information under request. Footprint Calculator-WWF xxx Very simple, emphasizes lifestyle preferences (food, electronic devices, etc.). Very nice graphics. Carbon Footprint Calculator-University of California, Berkeley. xxxxx Results are compared to US/World averages. Very nice comparative graphics. It allows users feedback.

4 Website review

5 Stormwater Management Similar to carbon footprints, it is possible to calculate your personal runoff For example: “The difference between the conventional system and the green intervention(s) you chose decreases the total 20 year life cycle costs and increases benefits by $1,410! This strategy reduces peak discharge by 34%.” This is a very personal and flexible way for people to get an idea of what difference they can make

6 Information for Tippecanoe residents To get people’s attention, site specific information is needed For example Maryland’s Department of the Environment has a website all about the effects of runoff in Maryland: A similar site for Tippecanoe county would be great for informing citizens Indianas department of natural resources has a water division that has limited information

7 How to decrease your water output Some websites show different ways to decrease your runoff: initiatives/index.asp initiatives/index.asp This site offers advice on how to install rain gardens and barrels. Also talks about other methods such as mowing your lawn less, planting trees, and using less fertilizer This and other cities also offer credits for reducing your runoff

8 Low impact development This is a method where developers choose to use environmentally friendly ways of reducing runoff when designing new developments This site offers very detailed information about how to find the most cost effective way to build: Has many links to examples of green projects

9 Backyard Wildlife Habitat Not very many sources available for information on backyard wildlife habitats Websites can offer general information on backyard habitats, but in order to do a backyard wildlife habitat, the information must be specific to the region of Tippecanoe County Native plants Non-biological components (drift piles, small ponds, etc…) Animals that can be expected to live in the habitat

10 National Wildlife Federation Has ideas for creating a wildlife habitat in most locations (on campus, at work, at home…) Gives general ideas on how to improve the habitat Ex – building a bird house User friendly interface Has the option to sign up for a newsletter Excellent starting point for anyone interested in backyard habitats Activities/Garden-for-Wildlife/Create-a-Habitat.aspx Activities/Garden-for-Wildlife/Create-a-Habitat.aspx

11 Natural Resources & Conservation Service User interface not as interactive or exciting as the National Wildlife Federation website Has more specific details on how to go about taking the first steps in creating a backyard habitat Gives recommendations on what plants to use based on which species you are trying to attract Has full PDF publications available for download Has an email address and phone number to call if you want more information

12 University of Maine Extension Has very good information that goes into more depth about what a backyard habitat needs and how to make one Most comprehensive site found Has information on native species to that climate and area Could serve as a template for Tippecanoe County Publications are also available for download in a PDF format 37.htm 37.htm

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