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SHOBNALL PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents We have pleasure in presenting the Autumn Newsletter which brings you the latest information and the range of activities.

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Presentation on theme: "SHOBNALL PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents We have pleasure in presenting the Autumn Newsletter which brings you the latest information and the range of activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHOBNALL PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents We have pleasure in presenting the Autumn Newsletter which brings you the latest information and the range of activities which have been happening within the School during the second half of the Autumn Term 2014/15 NURSERY This half term the children have been learning about ‘Healthy Living’ and ‘Festivals’. During our ‘Healthy Living’ week we discussed what being healthy meant and how we can stay healthy. The children looked at different foods and decided what could be put in a healthy lunchbox. They used their mark making skills to write about their favourite meal. We also looked at various fruits and sorted them into groups and then used them to make some super prints. RECEPTION EYFS Christmas Production The children in nursery and reception have delighted their Parents with their interpretation of the Nativity story. Our youngest children told the story of how a group of ‘Sleepy Shepherds’ made their way to find Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. A wonderful compilation of drama, dance and singing filled the stage as kings, angels, stars and animals confidently played their part. The staff would like to say ‘thank you’ to Parents who donated to the collection in aid of the ‘YMCA’. The children have also been learning about the Chinese New Year and we made the role play area into a Chinese restaurant. We tried to use chopsticks but it was very tricky. Mrs Gilbert found it a little challenging!! The children looked at the Chinese calendar and listened to the story of why the years are all different animals. They then used their mark making skills to write about the year in which they were born. To conclude the week the children made lucky red money wallets using paper and stickers. The children have been very busy preparing for the Christmas Performance, learning lines, remembering where they should stand and trying costumes on. It was all worth it as the two Performances were truly amazing! Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Curran, Mrs Farrington and Mrs Roberts were all very proud of all the children. Well done! We have also looked at the topic of ‘Birthdays’ and during circle time the children shared how they celebrate their birthday together with the presents they had on their last birthday. The children listened very carefully to the ‘Kipper’s Birthday’ story and then developed their mark making skills by writing a birthday card to Kipper. We have continued with our Letters and Sounds activities throughout the term. Reception Class News This half term the children have been very busy, continually learning and rehearsing new skills. A daily ‘phonic time’ has provided the development of phonic awareness. Children are using their knowledge to blend and segment phonemes in order to develop skills in reading and writing. Guided reading activities give children opportunities to develop their reading skills and each week a different writing focus has enabled children to practise writing words and simple sentences. Mrs Farrington is very pleased with the support given by Parents for regular reading sessions at home as well as all home learning activities, ‘Thank you, Parents your support really does make a huge difference in supporting children’s progress and development’.

2 Our ‘Celebrations’ topic this time has included learning about Bonfire Night, Chinese New Year, birthdays and the Christian Nativity story. Children have loved hearing the stories behind these celebrations and have completed an array of creative projects, which are proudly displayed in the classroom. A big thank you to all families who have supported our topic work and shared resources with us. We even had a tooth donated to our class, which we carried out an experiment on, as part of our whole school Healthy Living Week! Our term has ended with an array of activities and excitement linked to the family festivities of Christmas. Mrs Farrington and Mrs Roberts would like to wish everyone a very ‘happy and healthy Christmastime and best wishes for the New Year ahead’. Reception Visit to Charlotte James Care Home Once again Reception children were invited to visit Charlotte James Care Home to spread a little Christmas cheer. The children enjoyed dressing up in their Nativity costumes and walking through the avenue of trees to the care home. The residents and staff of Charlotte James Care Home were given a delightful rendition of the songs from our nativity play ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’. School Nurse Visit Healthy Living was given high priority in November when Reception children and their families received a visit from the School Nurse as part of our whole school Healthy Living Week. YEAR 1 Everyone listened attentively as we all learned about a balanced diet, portion sizes and the need for 60 minutes of exercise each day and drinking 8 glasses of water each day! The children certainly learned a lot from being involved in such a hands on workshop, and positive feedback was received from parents. Literacy During target time the children have been working hard on learning to write all of the phase two and phase three phonemes (sounds). The children have been using Charlie Checker to make sure they have remembered their capital letters and full stops. During our poetry unit of work we have been learning to identify rhyming words. The children in Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed writing a new verse for a well known poem The children in Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed writing a new verse for a well known poem. In Literacy we have also been looking at stories with repeating patterns. Year 1 especially enjoyed writing to Santa Numeracy During target time the children have been working hard on doubling numbers. The children have all completed a doubling ladybird, which are on display in the Year 1 classroom. During this half term the children have been learning to find one more than and one less than two digit numbers. The children have also been working hard on their number bonds to 10. Science We have been learning about a variety of different animals. This unit has developed the children’s understanding of the life cycle of a frog. Year 1 have been learning about what different animals eat. They have learnt some new vocabulary including the words: carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Design Technology Our Design Technology topic is moving pictures. The children have enjoyed designing and making Christmas moving pictures using split pins and simple sliders.

3 YEAR 3 YEAR 2 Year 1 and 2 Nativity All of Year 1 and 2 have thoroughly enjoyed practising and performing their Christmas nativity called ‘Shine Star, Shine’. The children sang beautifully and demonstrated good acting skills. The whole cast looked fantastic in their costumes. Everyone worked hard together as a team and the performances were enjoyed by all. We would like to thank the parents who were able to attend the performance and for their generous contributions to our chosen charity ‘YMCA’. In Numeracy this term we have been focusing on measurements. The children measured weight using scales, they have measured capacity using water containers and they have measured length by using metre wheels and metre sticks. The children have also learnt about time. They have learnt how to tell the time on the hour and half past the hour, using both analogue and digital clocks. In Literacy the children have been learning about traditional fairy tales and in particular, Little Red Riding Hood. We re- wrote the traditional fairy tale so that Little Red Riding Hood became the villain and the “Big Bad” Wolf became a good character. This term the children have also been learning about poetry. They have written a range of poems from acrostic poems, calligrams, and shape poems. Year 2 have also learnt about rhyming words and alliteration within poetry. In Science this term Year 2 have been learning about forces and movements. We have looked at pulling, pushing and twisting forces and everyday objects that use these forces. We carried out a class experiment on forces and ramps. The class tested several toy cars down a ramp, each time they used a different surfaced ramp. We then learnt about how to ensure a science experiment is a fair test.. Literacy The children have been focussing on the descriptive language in various poems and have enjoyed reading and performing these. They have explored how descriptive language in poetry can create an image and have transferred their learning into their own poems. They have been working hard on their curricular target and have developed their awareness of nouns, adjectives and verbs. Numeracy Children have been developing their number skills by adding and subtracting 1’s, 10’s and 100’s to 2 and 3 digit numbers. They have been using counting on methods for subtraction as well as developing their understanding of multiples of 10. The children have been learning about time as part of their class curricular target as well as the significance of Roman numerals. The children have also worked well on division problems including finding remainders. Science The children have been learning all about forces and magnets. They have identified a range of forces and how we use these in everyday life. They have carried out an investigation to identify how forces can be affected by various surfaces. The children will continue exploring magnets with a focus on the way in which they attract and repel different materials.

4 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Numeracy Year 4 have been working very hard this half term in numeracy. The focus for the class has been on calculations such as multiplication and division. The children have been using tools like the grid method and the number line to great effect! Literacy Year 4 have become little poets this half term creating their very own image poem. The children had to practice their descriptive writing skills to enable them to place a clear and vivid picture in the mind of the reader. In the run up to Christmas the children moved onto a new unit where they have been attempting to create their own Horrid Henry stories. Fingers crossed they don’t pick up any of his bad habits!!! Science In science the class have been learning all about habitats. The children have been looking at where different animals live, why they live there and how they live alongside the other inhabitants of the area. Geography The topic for this half term’s geography has been the Arctic and the Antarctic. The children have leant where each is situated on the earth and why they experience the extreme weather they do. In Literacy, we have been studying biographies and autobiographies. We read a range of biographies and autobiographies. We read some autobiographical work by Roald Dahl and we then went on to write autobiographies of our own. Our next unit was recount writing, based on UFO sightings. We read a non-fiction book about different UFO sightings. We also read a fictional story called ‘UFO Diary’, which we used as the starting point for diary entries based on a UFO sighting. Numeracy In numeracy, we have been following the new National Curriculum. We have covered a range of mathematical skills, including using written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have also been learning about fractions. This has involved converting mixed fractions to improper fractions and vice versa. Science Our topic this half term in science has been ‘Plants’. We have learnt about the different parts of a plant and how seeds are dispersed. Geography Our geography unit for this half term is entitled ‘Geographical Skills and Map work’. In this unit, we have learnt about the equator and the lines of longitude and latitude on a globe. We have learnt the names of the seven continents and we used atlases to identify mountain ranges across the globe. We have also learn about the counties of England and, linking this with compass directions, children develop their ability to identify the location of different counties

5 Design and Technology In D&T this half term, we have been making our own textile cards using binca fabric and a range of stitches. We started the unit by looking at a range of designs and different types of stitches. We then designed our own cards and we have recently begun to sew them. Remembrance Assembly On the 11 th November the whole school met in the hall for the Remembrance Service Assembly. The children learnt about why we remember this very important day and also how the poppy became such a symbol of remembrance. The children also listened to poetry such as ‘Flander’s Field’ by John McCrea and ‘Under Milkwood’ by Dylan Thomas. REMEMBRANCE ASSEMBLY Swimming Year 5 children have continued attending weekly swimming sessions at the Meadowside. Children have been working hard to develop their swimming skills and are working towards achieving swimming certificates. In our last session before Christmas, we played water-polo, which was a lot of fun. We will continue with our swimming lessons in the new year. YEAR 6 Poppy Sales Also to commemorate ‘Poppy Day’ the girls in Year 5 sold Royal British Legion Poppies in school and also, our Lunchtime Supervisor, Mrs Tracey Gaunt, hand knitted some beautiful poppies which were also on sale in school. All the proceeds from poppy sales were sent to the Royal British Legion Writing In this topic we have been learning about how to write a report. We have done two pieces of assessed writing (one based on Kingswood another on a newspaper report).We have also learnt on how to write in the past tense and in third person.In our report writing we have learnt how to write in a tabloid D&T In D&T we have been making a WW2 Anderson shelter, based on our history topic. Children chose their different materials and were getting really involved in this project. Aladdin Trouble Children have been participating in a show. Teachers have auditioned children for parts and have rehearsed it over and over again. Children are encouraged to speak up and sing loud and they are really looking forward to the show. Miss Dhadwal It is a fond farewell we say to Miss Dhadwal who has been helping year 6 for 5 weeks, teaching us enjoyable numeracy, literacy and computing lessons. Miss Dhadwal comes from the university of Wolverhampton and is in her final year training to become a teacher. She helps in class by teaching us new and exciting things.Year 6 will really miss her as she is a treasure in our class. Fractions We have continued to work hard on various topics throughout this term and have finished with the study of fractions, decimals and percentages. Because we have been learning our tables through our Table Tables game, we are beginning to find fractions much more easily.

6 The year 5 and Year 6 children that attended the Athletics competition represented the school with a super attitude. Our Shobnall athletes took part in every event and di so with aplomb. All 16 children took part in at least one of the events. There was a variety of field events ranging from triple jump to javelin and track events ranging from relays to obstacle runs. Miss Cooper and Mr Gordon were very impressed with how the children conducted themselves throughout the evening. On Tuesday 9 th December 2014 and in the true spirit of Christmas, the Shobnall School Choir performed a magical event of Christmas songs and carols at Hill Street Baptist Church in Swadlincote. The Choir performed in harmony with three other schools and it was a real festive treat of seasonal sound. The choir have also been invited to sing at St. Aiden’s Carol Service on Sunday 21 st December. We would love to see as many of our families attending as this is the time of year where we all have the opportunity to prepare together for our forthcoming Chirstmas celebrations Several school families have been enjoying after school sessions organised by Burton Albion. The sessions have been a mixture of useful advice on healthy lifestyles and games. In Monday evening, the families were invited to a special celebration which included a meal cooked by the Burton Albion Chef (including healthy vegetables of course!). They also met Billy Brewer and one of the Burton Albion players ATHLETICS WINTER WONDERLAND BURTON ALBION – HEALTHY FAMILIES SESSIONS On Thursday 27 th November, the children were all treated to a live performance of the pantomime ‘Cinderella’. The story was brought to life through talented actors supported by the quality set and lighting. The performance was very lively and exciting. The small cast played a large number of roles and there were plenty of traditional ‘pantomime’ jokes for pupils and staff to enjoy. The play gave pupils the opportunity to see real actors at work. Pupils had the chance to see how scenery, costumes and props are used in a play as well as discovering how important it is to speak clearly and use lots of expression. The picture of enjoyment and awe on the children’s faces was a pleasure to see. CINDERELLA

7 Brewhouse Production The tradition of pantomime continues at Shobnall School – on Tuesday 16 th December we will once again be entertaining family friends and pupils with our own unique production of Aladdin starring pupils from Years 4, 5 and 6. The event is always eagerly anticipated as Children nervously practice their routines. All staff are delighted with the commitment shown by the children who want to carry on with traditional pantomime and perform to their highest possible standards. Although the tickets for the evening performance are now nearly sold out there are still tickets available for the matinee. Please contact the school office if you require any further tickets. A reminder that they are on sale for £5 each. ALADDIN TROUBLE! CHRISTINGLE VISIT OF SHOBNALL PENSIONERS Christmas is coming and so is our Christingle Assembly which will be held at St. Aiden’s Church on Wednesday December 17 th. At the service, the children bring the Christingle they have made at home and we light them as part of the celebration. Christingle means Christ Light and the service is a celebration that Christ is the Light of the World and that he is soon to be born on Christmas Day. An information leaflet explaining how to make a Christingle is available on the website. Parents may wish to use this to help their little ones to create their masterpiece. It is always a pleasure to welcome members of the community to help us celebrate Christmas. Many of our older residents in Shobnall have attended school here and they often recall their childhood memories at Shobnall. Once interesting reminiscence was that our infant playground was formerly a gardening plot that was used to grow vegetables. Mrs Taylor, our Chair of Governors, is a keen gardener and I am sure she would be delighted if we could re-introduce this practice today. Christmas Lunch is a whole school celebration where we all sit down together to eat a traditional fayre. We are hoping that the children have been well behaved this year as Santa chooses to visit certain schools but only when he knows the children have done their best. We are hoping that the Shobnall children are amongst the lucky ones! The staff in the kitchen work exceedingly hard to produce a meal fit for a king and the children are served by staff who will either be in fancy dress or, this year, wearing their Christmas Jumpers. A reminder to parents that this day will also be a non-uniform day and children will be fined 50p for the privilege of not wearing their uniform. Pupils are invited to wear either fancy dress or, like the staff, a Christmas jumper. CHRISTMAS LUNCH NEW SHELTERS We are extremely grateful for all the efforts of our hardworking and forward thinking Governing Body who have had the foresight to continue to build and develop our site so that it is a nurturing learning environment for our pupils. The shelters are the latest addition and we are delighted to say that these have already impacted positively on the outdoor provision we offer in our school. Thank you to all Governors for your foresight. PS. We are hoping that you will allow us further funding early in the New Year to develop our Forest School Area! HOMEWORK CLUB All our children who have attended Homework Club have made fantastic progress. Well done children! Keep up the good work….We are really proud of your achievements so far.

8 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY School Closes on FRIDAY 19 TH DECEMBER 2014 for the Christmas Holidays and re-opens on TUESDAY 6th JANUARY 2015 at 08.45am School CLOSED Monday 5 th January for INSET day. Seasons Greetings from all the staff at Shobnall Primary School - may we take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year

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