 Types of Customer Value  Customer Perceived Value  Satisfaction  Loyalty  Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Performance.

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Presentation on theme: " Types of Customer Value  Customer Perceived Value  Satisfaction  Loyalty  Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Performance."— Presentation transcript:


2  Types of Customer Value  Customer Perceived Value  Satisfaction  Loyalty  Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Performance

3  The difference between the prospective customer’s evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives  Determinants of Customer Perceived Value  Hierarchies of Values (Means-end Chains)

4 Total customer valueTotal customer cost Economic benefitMonetary cost Functional benefitTime cost Psychological benefitEffort cost Psychological cost Customer Perceived Value

5 Means-end chain for Belgian meat consumption

6 Satisfaction and Loyalty Expectations Performance SatisfactionLoyalty (Repurchase) =><=><

7  A deeply held commitment to re-buy or repatronize a preferred product or service in the future despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior

8 Satisfaction and Loyalty (Commitment) Satisfaction Commitment Repurchase

9 Satisfaction and Loyalty (Commitment) Satisfaction Commitment? ? Repurchase

10 Satisfaction and Loyalty (Commitment) Satisfaction CommitmentQuality of Alternatives ? Repurchase

11 Satisfaction and Loyalty (Commitment) Satisfaction CommitmentQuality of Alternatives Investments in the Relationship Repurchase

12  A Key Marketing Performance Metric

13 Very Dissatisfied DissatisfiedSomewhat Dissatisfied Somewhat Satisfied SatisfiedVery Satisfied 020406080100 Satisfaction measured on a six-point scale like the one presented below. Based on this scale we can create a Customer Satisfaction Index ranging from 0 to 100. The Customer Satisfaction Index gives you an idea on how satisfied the customers are on average. Lets assume 10 respondents: 1:0, 2:5, 3:2, 4:4, 5:4, 6:5, 7:5, 8:4, 9:4, 10:3= SUM: 31, Average: 3.1, what about the index? All very satisfied: SUM:50; average:5, Index set to 100 All very dissatisfied: SUM:0; average:0, Index set to 0 All satisfied: SUM:40, average:4, Index set to 80 (SUM/(Max scale point x N))x100=Index score, in our example: 31/50 x 100 = 62


15 Customer Satisfaction Customer Percent Customer Sales Percent Margin Gross Profit Retention Cost Customer Profit Very Satisfied 25%$1,20060%$720$100$620 Satisfied35%$80050%$400$100$300 Somewhat Satisfied 20%$30040%$120$100$20 Somewhat Dissatisfied 15%$8040%$32$100-$68 Dissatisfied3%$6040%$24$100-$76 Very Dissatisfied 2%$5040%$20$100-$80 Weighted Average $65548.5%$350$100$350


17 Customer Base 200,000 Satisfied 70% (140,000) Dissatisfied 30% (60,000) New Customers Needed 24.86% Don’t Complain 90% (54,000) Do Complain 10%(6,000) Not Retained 78% Retained 22% Not Retained 10% Retained 90% Not retained 5% Retained 95% 133,000 -7,000 5,400 -600 11,800 -42,120 49,720

18 Customer PerformanceRetained Customers 75% Lost Customers New Customers Overall Performance # of Customers150,000-50,00050,000200,000 Revenue per C.$800$200$400 Sales Revenue (millions)$120$10$20$150 Percent Margin50%25% 43.8% Margin per C.$400$50$100 Gross Profit (millions)$60.0$2.5$5.0$67.5 Marketing Expense per C.$60 $300 Marketing Expenses (mill.)$9.00$3.00$15.00$27.0 Net Marketing Contribution (millions) $51.00-$0.50-$10.00$40.5 Operating Expenses (millions) $33.0 Net Profit Before Taxes (millions) $7.5 5%

19 Customer PerformanceRetained Customers 80% Lost Customers New Customers Overall Performance # of Customers160,000-40,00040,000200,000 Revenue per C.$800$200$400 Sales Revenue (millions)$128$8$16$152 Percent Margin50%25% 43.8% Margin per C.$400$50$100 Gross Profit (millions)$64.0$2.0$4.0$70.0 Marketing Expense per C.$65 $300 Marketing Expenses (mill.)$10.40$2.60$12.00$25.0 Net Marketing Contribution (millions) $53.60-$0.60-$8.00$45.0 Operating Expenses (millions) $33.0 Net Profit Before Taxes (millions) $12.0 7.9%

20  “The gulf between satisfied and completely satisfied customers can swallow a business” (Jones and Sasser, 1994.) 7/8/2010Einar.breivik@ttu.edu

21 Definitely Will Not Repurchase Will Not Repurchase Probably Will Not Repurchase Probably Will Repurchase Plan to Repurchase Definitely Will Repurchase Intention to RepurchasePercentProbability Definitely Will Repurchase25%1.00 Plan to Repurchase35%.80 Probably Will Repurchase20%.60 Probably Will Not Repurchase15%.40 Will Not Repurchase3%.20 Definitely Will Not Repurchase2%0.00 Total:100%.72 Customer Retention72%

22 Customer Life (purchase periods) Customer Life (N) (given rate of customer retention) CR = Customer Retention Rate Retention rate

23 Period Cash Flow Present Value of $1 Present Value of Cash Flow 0-$511.00-$51,00 1$30.909$27.30 2$42.826$34.70 3$44.751$33.00 4$49.683$33.50 5$55.621$34.20 Net Present Value of Cash Flow$111.70 PV=1/(1+DR) N

24  Kotler, P. & K.L. Keller: Ch. 2 & Ch. 4  Holbrook, M.B. (1999): Introduction to Consumer Value, in Consumer Value: A Framework for Analysis and Research, London: Routledge, 1-28  Best, Roger J. (2009): Market-Based Management: Strategies for Growing Customer Value and Profitability, 5th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-233653-6)

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