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Paper: A Thousand Year Old Technology Still Under Development.

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1 Paper: A Thousand Year Old Technology Still Under Development

2 Paper is Evolving Paper accounts for the highest cost in book manufacturing. Demand for writing papers continue to decline. There is constant pressure to reduce costs. The addition of inkjet is changing the rules on paper chemistry and increasing paper costs.

3 A New Printing Process The introduction of high speed aqueous inkjet printing required an entire new line of paper chemistry. Although inkjet can run on traditional uncoated stock, treated and inkjet coated stocks were developed for dye and pigment to enhance print and color clarity by slowing colorant absorbed into the sheet.

4 New Aqueous Ink “Water Based” Inks: 65% - 95% water
Extremely thin- very low viscosity Pigment Ink Colorant is a “flake” Chosen more for book printing Provides better color fidelity on uncoated sheets Dye Ink Colorant is a “solution” Provides better color fidelity on inkjet coated sheets

5 New Ink + Old Paper Printing with traditional uncoated grades
Used for low image quality requirements and to keep paper cost low, but… Allows more ink to dive through the sheet and lessens color and clarity Darken or mutes colors Image mottle in color blocks Curl and cockle with lighter stocks Heavy solids can cause finishing issues Print will not resist water

6 Using Uncoated Paper Dye -based Inks Pigment Inks Water based
Colorant dives into the sheet with the carrier fluid Particles are more immobilized higher to sheet surface. Still dives Color Gamut Small, muted Larger than dye, muted Show Through Has show through on light weight papers Stability Prone to fade UV resistant Solid Black Density Low: Medium: Solids Fill Flat color with little definition low contrast & definition Dot Gain Control from 20% to100% Control from 65% to 100% Ink & Paper Costs Stabilizing Stabilizing –new chemistry Water Resistant NO- easily rewets, bleeds Pigment is generally water resistant. Will bleed through

7 New Ink + New Paper Aqueous inks need paper which: Slows absorption
Dries quickly Slows disruption of paper structure Binds colorant on surface Keeps more colorant on the surface Provides image and color fidelity

8 Using Treated Paper Dye -based Inks Pigment Inks Water based
Colorant is more mobilized on the sheet surface Color Gamut Large Larger than Dye Show Through Has show through on light weight papers Stability Prone to fade UV resistant Solid Black Density Low: ; clean colors- paper dependent Higher: ; cleaner colors- paper dependent Solids Fill Good density, and image definition Great density, and image definition Dot Gain Control from 20% to100% Control from 65% to 100% Paper Costs Stabilizing Water fast Depends on paper treatment Pigment is general water fast

9 Paper Differences Uncoated - Least expensive, color dives into surface, spreads and dives unevenly. Lowest print quality. $ cost. Inkjet Treated - Light coating on surface or in mixture, color sits higher to the surface, more spread and dive control. Higher print quality. $$ cost. Inkjet Coated - Coating applied to paper surface, color sits upon surface, excellent spread control. Highest print quality. $$$ coat. Note some coated stocks do not dry well on some inkjet printers

10 Print Quality = Ink +Paper
Print Effect Aqueous Ink Paper Ink Density Pigment inks better Pig-Pretreated/Treated Show through Happens with pigment or dye Pig-Pretreated/Treated 60# and up Dye-Treated 60# and up Ink Bleed/Spread Dye- Treated Wicking Paper Curl and Cockle Pretreated/Treated require less ink. Reduce ink coverage Text and Color Gamut Both pigment and dye can provide with correct paper Light/Water fastness Pigment Ink Inline/Pretreated Side to side color and image mottle Dependent on paper Formation and inkjet coating/treatment consistency

11 Papers Affect Production
If proper papers and weights are not chosen increased production costs and downtime can occur Paper curl and cockle Finishing jams and rough cuts Score cracking Paper dusting Increased paper dust

12 New Paper= Price Increase
More steps and chemistry added to the process Increase density, color and image quality Expands color gamut Slows disruption of paper structure Helps reduce downstream finishing issues Uncoated 147, 000 colors @1200X Treated 229, 000 colors @1200X

13 New Paper Availability
As of this writing there are a multitude of paper mills in the USA as well as overseas manufacturing papers specially for aqueous dye and pigment inks Only certain mills offer treated PPI options Some mills require minimum order runs or truckload sizes As mills consolidate, inkjet paper grades may change names or chemistry. Always double check for consistency Adds more SKU’s to your floor

14 Process Color Differences
RGB Photo Color Gamut Comparison Some digital printing machines/inks have wider color gamut than traditional litho printing. Choose the process which best represents your book print, color and image quality needs! Litho Indigo Liquid Toner Inkjet Dye Inkjet Pigment Inkjet UV Printing has different reproducible color space !

15 What it Means for You Inkjet creates an efficiency for small runs
Papers which deliver better print quality are currently more $ Choose the process which best suits your density and print fidelity requirements Variable and personalization is a value added which can be incorporated into publishing

16 Providing inkjet machine, paper and print quality
5774 West 900 North, Fountaintown IN 46130 @InkjetGenie Providing inkjet machine, paper and print quality consulting before and after the inkjet purchase.

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