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Offer versus Serve (OVS) 1. No OVS for Breakfast  As always, OVS is optional for all grade groups  No OVS means students must take all planned menu.

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Presentation on theme: "Offer versus Serve (OVS) 1. No OVS for Breakfast  As always, OVS is optional for all grade groups  No OVS means students must take all planned menu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Offer versus Serve (OVS) 1

2 No OVS for Breakfast  As always, OVS is optional for all grade groups  No OVS means students must take all planned menu items  1 cup milk  1 cup fruit  Planned breakfast entrée*  *This will vary daily based on the planned menu. In order to meet weekly grain minimums >1 oz eq of grain must be offered most days. 2

3 OVS at Breakfast Components vs. Items  Always offer all three components in at least the required amounts  For OVS, must offer at least four food items at breakfast  Regulatory definition: A food item is a specific food offered within the food components  For purposes of OVS, an item is the daily required minimum amount of each food component that a child can take  1 cup of milk  1 oz eq of grains  ½ cup of fruit (or vegetable)  Students must select at least ½ cup of fruit/vegetable in order to have a reimbursable meal. 3

4 OVS: Items vs. Choices  Items are specific foods offered within the three food components.  Items are counted in increments of the minimum daily requirement for each component  Minimum required items offered daily:  1 oz eq grains (1 food item)  1 cup fruits ( 2 food items)  1 cup milk (1 food item)  Choices give students the ability to choose from different items. 4

5 Example: Items vs. Choices  Menu = 1 milk, 1 slice toast, 2 fruit choices  Fruit choices = ½ cup orange juice, ½ cup oranges, ½ cup apple slices, ½ cup peaches  Student could take 1 milk, 1 toast, and ½ cup oranges  SFAs should still offer choices, but decide how many items a student can take based on the planned menu 5

6 OVS: Large Grain Items  The menu planner has the discretion to count a large grain item as more than one food item for purposes of OVS at breakfast  e.g. 2 oz eq muffin = 2 food items OR 1 food item  If 2 oz eq grain = 2 food items → at least 2 other food items must be offered for OVS  If 2 oz eq grain = 1 food item → at least 3 other food items must be offered for OVS  Note: the same discretion applies to large fruit items or meat/meat alternate & grain combo items  e.g. apple (1 cup fruit) = 2 food items OR 1 food item  e.g. breakfast sandwich (1 oz eq english muffin + 1 oz eq m/ma counting as grain) = 2 food items OR 1 food item 6

7 Example: Large Grain Items  Examples  School offers 2 oz eq muffin (2 food items), ½ cup apples, ½ cup juice, and milk  decline muffin -OR- milk AND 1 fruit choice  School offers 2 oz eq muffin (1 food item), ½ cup apples, ½ cup juice, and milk  decline muffin OR milk OR 1 fruit choice 7

8 OVS- Grains & Duplicates  Allowing students to take two of the same grain item  If a menu planner offers two different 1 oz eq grain items at breakfast, a student may be allowed to take two of the same grain and count as two items  At the discretion of the menu planner to allow duplicates 8

9 Example: Grains & Duplicates 9  School offers milk and fruit (1 cup), plus two grains: cereal (1 oz eq) and toast (1 oz eq)  Student could select ½ cup fruit and two slices of toast  2 nd slice of toast selected in place of other grain offered (cereal)

10 Let’s Go Through Your Handout! 3 Components Must be Offered Daily in at least the following minimum quantities Fluid Milk 1 cup Fruit/Vegetable 1 cup † Grains** 1 oz eq OROR +

11 Grain Details **Meat/Meat Alternate can be credited as a GRAIN or EXTRA. GRAIN crediting counts as Food Item, EXTRA crediting does not count as Food Item. † Large grain (≥ 2 oz eq) or fruit/vegetable (≥ 1 cup) items may be planned as 1 food item or 2 food items at the discretion of the menu planner.

12 Reminder: From the 3 Components, 4 Food Items Must be Offered Daily Reimbursable Meal: Must Take at Least 3 Food Items NOTE: At least ½ cup of fruit/vegetable must be selected as part of the reimbursable meal.

13 Offer vs. Serve Example 13

14 Offer vs. Serve Example

15 15

16 Offer vs. Serve Example


18 Round 1

19 1 cup milk (skim chocolate or 1% white) 1 oz eq muffin and 1 oz cereal OR 2 oz eq English muffin (2 food items) ½ cup orange halves AND 4 oz Orange Juice Breakfast of the Day! Orange, orange juice, and english muffin images obtained from

20 1 oz eq Muffin 2 Food Items 1 Cup 1% Milk How many food items?


22 1 oz eq muffin 1 cup 1 % milk

23 1 cup chocolate skim milk 4 oz orange juice 2 Food Items How many food items?


25 1 cup Skim chocolate milk 4 oz orange juice ½ cup orange halves

26 2 oz eq English muffin 3 Food Items How many food items? 1 Cup 1% Milk


28 1 cup 1% milk 4 oz orange juice 2 oz eq English muffin

29 1 oz eq muffin 1 oz cereal 2 Food Items How many food items?


31 1 oz eq muffin 1 oz cereal 1 cup 1 % milk

32 32 Round 2

33 Apple (1 cup, 2 food items) 1 cup milk (skim chocolate or 1% white) 1 oz cheese stick (EXTRA) 1 oz eq cereal bar and 4 oz yogurt Breakfast of the Day! 33 Apple and cereal bar images obtained from

34 4 oz Yogurt 34 2 Food Items 1 Cup Chocolate Skim Milk How many food items?

35 35

36 1 cup Skim chocolate milk Apple (1 cup) 4 oz yogurt

37 1 oz cheese stick 1 oz eq cereal bar 1 Food Item How many food items? 37

38 38

39 1 oz eq cereal bar 4 oz yogurt 1 oz cheese stick

40 Apple (1 cup) 2 Food Items How many food items? 40

41 41

42 1 cup 1% milk Apple (1 cup)

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