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Presentation on theme: "D EFINITIONS I MUST KNOW FOR MY EXAM Grade 9 Religion."— Presentation transcript:


2 F ORGIVENESS A loving choice to let go of our desire for revenge when we have been wronged Asking for mercy when we have wronged others

3 M ORAL D ECISION M AKING A step-by-step guideline for making decisions and reflecting on choices, consisting of: Seeing the problem, judging and analyzing the situation based on personal, cultural and faith related beliefs, acting upon your decision and evaluating if you made the “right” choice.

4 R ECONCILIATION The act of confessing my sins and asking for forgiveness from God 3 C’s of Conversion : Contrition (being sorry) Confession (confessing sins) Correction (making amends for sins, going forth and feeling changed”)

5 C HASTITY To be in a loving committed marriage before being physically intimate with another person, Praying to God for guidance with regards to your own and other’s sexuality

6 T ABLE F ELLOWSHIP Challenging the “exclusivity” of our society and being more “inclusive” like Jesus Actively participating in faith life (worship at home, school and church )

7 S ACRAMENTS Gifts we receive on our faith journey that strengthen our covenant with God (Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders and Anointing of the sick)

8 M AGISTERIUM The teachings of the Church guided by our Pope and Bishops and religious authorities It contains over 2500 points collected in the Catechism of the Catholic Church

9 B EATITUDES The 8 “Do’s” that Jesus taught in his Sermon on the Mount (Matt.5)

10 A GAPE Pure, selfless love as Jesus taught us The most challenging, but most rewarding, type of love (Jesus loved in this way

11 A BSTINENCE Waiting until the covenant of marriage before physical intimacy (sex) Abstinence is how UNMARRIED people honour the virtue of Chastity

12 P RAYER AND ITS F ORMS Communicating with God (talking to God) Adoration and Praise, Thanksgiving, Petition, Penitence and Intercessory (Forms of Prayer)

13 D ISCIPLESHIP Following God’s command(expectations, commandments etc.) being a follower of Jesus in your thoughts, words and actions

14 6 P RECEPTS OF THE C HURCH As Catholics we have a duty to obey the teachings of the church and the 6 Precepts: 1. Attend mass on Sundays and Holy days 2. Confess sins at least once a year 3. Receive Holy communion at least once during the Easter season 4. Keep the Holy days of Obligation Holy 5. Observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence 6. Contribute time or money to the church as we are able

15 L EGITIMATE A UTHORITY Authority that is recognized by society to serve the common good Parents, teachers, etc.

16 10 C OMMANDMENTS The “Don’ts” given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai by God, our Moral Law Exodus 20

17 V ALUES Ideas we believe are important qualities we rate highly in ourselves and others

18 I NCLUSION The act of making others feel loved as Jesus taught Not judging others, welcoming them and making them feel included

19 S.P.I.E.S How we grow in all areas of life Our Social, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual Growth

20 P ERSONAL S IN Committing Sin against ourselves (substance abuse)

21 S OCIAL S IN Committing Sin on a societal level (poverty, Wall Street greed, corrupt governments…)

22 S CRIPTURES Our Holy Bible, consists of the Old and New Testament These writings have been deemed sacred by religious authorities

23 P REFERENTIAL O PTION FOR THE P OOR Our calling as Catholics to help those in need (put the needs of the weak, the poor, the vulnerable FIRST!)

24 H EALTHY R ELATIONSHIPS When we demonstrate love, respect, loyalty, patience, kindness and understanding to others (as well as Chastity)

25 E MOTIONS Guide and help us to make connections between others and ourselves happy = good choices, anger = change is needed

26 F AMILY, THE D OMESTIC C HURCH The family is the foundation of the Church Without family, the Church could not survive or thrive

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