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Presentation on theme: "JULIUS NYERERE TANZANIAN PRESIDENT, 1964-1985 Shannon Gormley 3A."— Presentation transcript:


2 Early Life  Born in March 1922, into the Zanaki tribe in Butiama  Went to school at 12, continued on to a British University where his political ideas began to develop  Became the first Tanzanian to earn a Masters degree in 1952  Began teaching at St. Francis School

3 Beginning of Political Career  Joined the Tanganyika African Association and became president in 1953  Was asked by leadership of his school to chose between teaching and politics and chose politics  Converted the Tanganyika African Association to the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) in 1954  Went to New York in 1955 to request a date for Tanganyika’s independence from the Trusteeship Council and the Fourth Committee

4 Beginning of Political Career  Appointed a member of the Tanganyikan Legislative Council but resigned in 1957  TANU gained a large number of seats in the Legislative Assembly in the 1958 elections and even more in 1960  When Tanganyika gained independence in 1961, Nyerere was elected Prime Minister but resigned a month later to write works such as Ujamaa  Nyerere became president of 1962 of Tanganyika and of Tanzania (Tanganyika and Zanzibar) in 1964

5 Domestic Policies  One-party state  “Ujamaa”  Free and universal education, literacy campaigns  Wanted self-sufficiency  Primary healthcare

6 Foreign Policy  Advocated overthrow of white supremacy in Rhodesia, South Africa, and South West Africa  In 1972, Uganda leader Idi Amin called for the expulsion of Asians from his country and so Nyerere sent troops to support a local movement to overthrow Amin.  In 1979, took Kampala and overthrew Amin

7 Foreign Policy  Criticized Britain for not opposing Ian Smith’s rule in Rhodesia; supported guerrilla groups and eventually broke off from British aid  Adopted Chinese military instructors/technicians, so the United States cut off aid

8 Results of Policies/Legacy  Stepped down peacefully and quietly in 1985  Tanzania remained incredibly poor, industry and infrastructure underdeveloped, highly reliant on foreign aid  The longest term of a Commonwealth African state  Maintained political stability in a turbulent region, Tanzania had one of the highest literacy rates, economy free of inequalities  His people loved him  Publically recognized his failures, but remained committed to socialism

9 Why were there so many single party states in the 20 th Century?

10 Weak Governments  Two World Wars seriously weakened governments everywhere  Britain weak and unable to maintain its colonies  People willing to turn to a strong leader who could get things done

11 Disunity  Governments unable to unify people  Tanzania was a colony; their British leadership was not for their benefit  Single Party leaders offered togetherness

12 Need for Nationalism  Governments inefficient, unable to take care of the needs of their people  Tanzanians were tired of a government that did not have their interests in mind

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