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Tim James Service and Operations Lecture Capture.

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Presentation on theme: "Tim James Service and Operations Lecture Capture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tim James Service and Operations Lecture Capture

2 The capture of video, audio, and content that makes up a lecture or presentation.

3  Stream  Download  Podcast/Enhanced Podcast/Vodcast/Rich Media  Any combination of the above  The four types of recordings are synchronised, packaged and made available on-line

4  Revision  Catch up  Distance Learning  Clarification  Language barriers  Reflective Practice  DDA compliance  Marketing  Drop in attendance  Perceived threat to job security  Extra work  Cost

5  ASU School of Engineering captures 10,000th lecture using Mediasite  Newcastle University capture 600 lectures a month using Echo 360  LSE have had 130,000 hits this year alone




9 “A big advantage that the Echo system gives us is how quick it is to prepare a video presentation. Traditionally, preparing a video presentation and syncing slides would take several hours but the almost on-demand nature of this system is a benefit which can not be stressed highly enough. We envisage our use of the facility will only increase in time” Karl Luke E-Learning Technologist Department of Anaesthetics

10 “It enables full-motion replay of complex concepts and expert procedures and techniques presented during class. The flexible delivery of didactic course content helps students when residency, clinical, or laboratory commitments mean missing a lecture.” Echo

11  Growing technology  Intellectual copyright  Data protection  Network infrastructure

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