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Lesson 19: Heavenly Father Helps Us When We Pray

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1 Lesson 19: Heavenly Father Helps Us When We Pray
“Lesson 19: Heavenly Father Helps Us When We Pray,” Primary 3: Choose the Right B, (1994),89

2 Purpose To help the children realize that they can receive help from Heavenly Father when they pray.

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4 A father & his married daughter lived on opposite sides of a very large mountain.

5 How could this father & daughter communicate without going to the other side of the mountain?

6 What about a telephone?                                                                                                       

7 What about a radio?                                                                                                       

8 What about a carrier pigeon?

9 What about mail (regular or email)?

10 Why is it important for the father & daughter to communicate with each other?

11 Why is it important for the father & daughter to communicate with each other?
To keep from being lonely To show love To receive and give help To share ideas

12 What would happened if they did not communicate with each other?

13 What would happened if they did not communicate with each other?
They would not feel as close to each other Their love might decrease. They could not help each other

14 Why is it important to communicate with our Heavenly Father?
To thank him for our blessings. To show our faith in him. To ask for and receive his help and blessings. To increase our love for him.

15 Remember last week we learned about Nephi building a boat?
He did not know how to build a boat. He prayed to Heavenly Father to give him the help that he needed to be successful.

16 Go to the Video Go to the Slides Continue

17 The Lord told Lehi to take his family onto the ship they had built.
They loaded it with fruit, meat, and honey and with seeds to plant in the promised land.

18 Strong winds blew the ship toward the promised land.
Laman, Lemuel, and some of the others began being wicked.

19 Because of their wickedness, the Liahona stopped working.
When Nephi told them to stop, they got angry and tied him up with ropes. Because of their wickedness, the Liahona stopped working.

20 A terrible storm blew the ship backward for three days.
They did not know which way to steer the ship. A terrible storm blew the ship backward for three days. Lehi told Laman and Lemuel to untie Nephi, but they would not listen.

21 Nephi’s wife and children cried.
Lehi and Sariah were so upset that they became ill. Nephi’s wife and children cried. They begged Laman and Lemuel to untie Nephi, but they refused.

22 Laman and Lemuel knew that God had sent the storm.
On the fourth day the storm got worse. The ship was about to sink. Laman and Lemuel knew that God had sent the storm.

23 They were afraid they would drown.
Finally Laman and Lemuel repented and untied Nephi.

24 Even though his wrists and ankles had become swollen and sore from the ropes, Nephi had not complained. Nephi then picked up the Liahona, and it worked again.

25 Nephi prayed, and the wind stopped. The sea became calm.
Nephi steered the ship, and it sailed again toward the promised land.

26 Question Time!

27 What can we learn from Nephi’s example?
Why do you think Nephi did not complain to Heavenly Father while he was tied up?

28 Why wouldn’t the Liahona work while Nephi was tied up?
What did Nephi do to save the ship from sinking in the storm?

29 What did Heavenly Father do to help Nephi?

30 Our Loving Heavenly Father Helps Us When We Pray

31 What is Jesus doing in this picture?

32 What is Jesus doing in this picture?
Praying to Heavenly Father

33 What is Jesus doing in this picture?
Praying to Heavenly Father Why did Jesus pray?

34 What is Jesus doing in this picture?
Praying to Heavenly Father Why did Jesus pray? He needed heavenly father’s help to guide him

35 When Jesus was on Earth, he prayed often to Heavenly Father.
We can also pray to Heavenly Father when we need help, too.

36 Listen to Mary’s Story Mary was in bed asleep one night when she was awakened by a noise. As she listened, she discovered that it was her four-year-old brother crying and complaining that his stomach hurt. She could hear her mother tenderly comforting him, trying to help him feel better; but her brother kept crying. See the story in the manual

37 Listen to Mary’s Story She lay there feeling sorry for him.
She knew her mother was doing all she could for him, but still it troubled her to know that her brother was so sick. Finally she decided there was something she could do. What do you think she did See the story in the manual

38 Listen to Mary’s Story She quietly slipped out of bed and knelt to pray. She asked Heavenly Father to please make her little brother well so he could go back to sleep. In just a short time, her brother had fallen asleep. See the story in the manual

39 Listen to Mary’s Story The next morning she asked her mother how he was, and she replied, “Just fine. He fell asleep last night and seems to be well now.” Does anyone here want to share an experience when you or a family member prayed for help. How did Heavenly Father answered your prayers? See the story in the manual

40 Listen to Jamie’s Story
One summer Jamie was given a baby lamb. He named the lamb Boots and fed and cared for him lovingly. Jamie and Boots often played together in the fenced-in field where Jamie’s father kept his horse. Jamie and Boots were playing in this field late one afternoon, when Jamie’s mother called him to supper. Jamie ran to the gate and quickly slammed it behind him. After dinner Jamie went out to play with Boots again. See the story in the manual

41 Listen to Jamie’s Story
But when he reached the gate, he found it swinging open. Boots and the horse were gone. Jamie had shut the gate so quickly that it had not latched. Jamie didn’t know where to start looking. He remembered his father telling him that when he was a little boy, he had been lost on a mountainside. His father got down on his knees and asked Heavenly Father to help him. See the story in the manual

42 Listen to Jamie’s Story
Soon a sheepherder on his way back to camp found him and helped him get home. Jamie knelt down in the grass, closed his eyes, and prayed: “Heavenly Father, I need your help. I’ve lost Dad’s horse and Boots because I didn’t shut the gate. Please help me find them.” Jamie found animal tracks on the road. He started to follow the tracks uphill, holding on to bushes to keep his footing. At last he heard Boots cry. See the story in the manual

43 Listen to Jamie’s Story
Jamie scrambled up the hill and soon found the little lamb caught in a bush. The horse stood nearby. Jamie untangled Boots’s legs from the thicket. When Boots tried to stand, he toppled over. Jamie could see that one of Boots’s legs was broken. Again Jamie asked Heavenly Father to help him. He used his jacket to make a sling to carry Boots and started back down the mountain. See the story in the manual

44 Listen to Jamie’s Story
The horse followed, carefully picking his way down the steep trail. Boots was heavy, and Jamie stumbled all the way down the trail. As the three neared home, Jamie’s parents ran out to help. As Jamie’s dad cared for the injured lamb, he said, “Good thing you got him here before he lost much more blood. He might have died from shock.” Jamie’s mother asked, “How did you know where to find them?” See the story in the manual

45 Listen to Jamie’s Story
“I did just what Dad would have done,” Jamie answered. “What’s that, son?” Dad asked. “Remember when you were lost? You prayed to Heavenly Father for help, and that’s just what I did. I prayed, and Heavenly Father helped me” See the story in the manual

46 Discussion Time!

47 Where were Lehi and his family going?

48 Where were Lehi and his family going?
To the promised land

49 Did the Liahona work all the time?

50 Did the Liahona work all the time?
No. It worked only when the people were righteous

51 What did the Liahona show Nephi?

52 What did the Liahona show Nephi?
Which direction to steer the ship

53 What happened after Nephi was tied up?

54 What happened after Nephi was tied up?
A terrible storm arose. The Liahona stopped working

55 What happened after Nephi was untied?

56 What happened after Nephi was untied?
The storm ceased. The Liahona worked again

57 Why did Nephi pray for Heavenly Father’s help?

58 Why did Nephi pray for Heavenly Father’s help?
Pray with faith that he will help us

59 Testimony I want to bear my testimony that Heavenly Father loves us.
I testify that Heavenly Father wants to help us if we will pray for His help.

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62 Images and clipart are from lds. org, sugardoodle
Images and clipart are from,, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use. The lesson material is from This power point presentation was created from the power point presentation by Christy Schreck-Leishman. Some ideas/slides are from Ericka Covalt’s PPTs posted on Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.

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