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We all love gifts; and most of us love giving gifts, but the cost of Birthdays and Christmases soon adds up. Could you put a figure on how much you spent.

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Presentation on theme: "We all love gifts; and most of us love giving gifts, but the cost of Birthdays and Christmases soon adds up. Could you put a figure on how much you spent."— Presentation transcript:

1 We all love gifts; and most of us love giving gifts, but the cost of Birthdays and Christmases soon adds up. Could you put a figure on how much you spent on your family last Christmas?

2 The average consumer in the UK now spends £445 on Christmas Day; surely we don’t all need so many gifts? Compare that to how much we spend on good causes each year; a mere £11. As well those special gestures, the essential costs of bringing up a family are getting higher all the time. This year the cost of raising a child reached a 10-year high of £222,000. Facing the facts

3 Nobody can be blamed for spending money on their children, but if you suddenly became ill or injured and couldn’t work, special occasions would be the last of your worries. Income protection is the insurance product that keeps on giving. In just one conversation we can build a financial plan for you, so you can sleep easy at night knowing your income, and your family, are protected. A wake-up call

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