Www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference ‘We Can Work It Out’ A presentation by Kenny Spence and Colin Chisholm Men in Childcare IMAGINE September.

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Presentation on theme: "Www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference ‘We Can Work It Out’ A presentation by Kenny Spence and Colin Chisholm Men in Childcare IMAGINE September."— Presentation transcript:

1 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference ‘We Can Work It Out’ A presentation by Kenny Spence and Colin Chisholm Men in Childcare IMAGINE September 20 th 2005 London

2 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference The Story so Far Since 2000 Men in Childcare have changed the face of Scottish Childcare training. We now provides courses throughout Scotland and our approach to recruiting men into childcare training has been endorsed on a local and national level. The Edinburgh Childcare Partnership and The Scottish Executive directly fund the Men in Childcare project.

3 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Men in Childcare is the most successful project of its type in the UK. We focus on the benefits of having men working in early years. Children will benefit if care settings are more representative of society. Men need Women, Women need Men, Children need Both. If childcare and early education remain completely female dominated, children may lose out on the contribution men can make and men will lose out on a fulfilling career.

4 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference

5 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Is it really necessary? Men in Childcare recognise the fact that more men working in childcare will help counteract the view that childcare is only ‘women’s work'. We don’t agree that only one gender can parent. (Although if scientists get their way we will soon have children with two mothers and some children with no biological fathers) therefore it is even more important that we strengthen the argument. In the same way that it is important for children to have positive female role models it is surely equally important to have positive male role models.

6 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference

7 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Daddy or Chips? Daddy Chips Both There shouldn’t have to be a choice Men or Women in childcare Both Forget Daddy or Chips We shouldn’t have to make a choice we should give children and families as many options and as much support as is available.

8 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference

9 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference If it’s so great why don’t more men do this job ? It takes a leap of faith What would friends think in the pub? Would people think you’re odd? You feel isolated and unsupported Training is set up to attract females from school There had been no motivation to change the status quo It doesn't pay too well

10 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference What’s changed ? More single Dads Men only courses Media much more supportive In some areas the salary has improved. Government ministers taking an interest Because there are more men there is more peer support More discussion more people want it to happen

11 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Children could benefit because of a male perspective, men and women are different A more gender balanced staff group gives different ways of looking at issues Fathers could benefit because they have someone to relate to and may feel more at ease What are the benefits from having men in childcare ?

12 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Issues for Dads There are very few resources targeting men Early years settings are historically feminised Currently lack of support for single dads in the community Having more men working in childcare provides support and changes the dynamics of childcare settings Men often have difficulty asking for extra support as regards parenting

13 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Issues for children Many children now grow up in a one parent household and might not experience daily contact with a man until Secondary School Half of all marriages now end in divorce Male children like to run, jump and play fight. In a day care setting this is often not encouraged We celebrate differences culturally yet often not about gender whatever happened to Equal opportunities!

14 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Staff Groups Regular discussion with staff teams working with pre fives suggest that more of a gender balance would facilitate different approaches It sometimes provides an opportunity to see different perspective from both sides of an argument. Men and woman are different

15 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference How has the media changed? A large number of Hollywood films with the man as a the main carer, This includes 2005 films like The Pacifier, My Baby’s Daddy Before that there was Daddy Day Care and Kindergarten Cop Positive media articles in the Observer, Womans hour

16 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Why the success? We directly aimed our advertising at men We responded quickly We were able to speak to them at each and every stage of their training We provided support We were able to provide a complete pathway of training We have built good relationships with Colleges

17 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Men Only Courses Intro Course 2 hours per week accredited Fast track to HNC which is 1 evening per week H.N.C. full time or part time is a course for both men and woman as yet not enough men per class for men only HNC

18 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Who are the men who traditionally care for children ? Fathers Partners Extended Family School Teachers After School Care

19 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference

20 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference What support we offer Peer support Improve access to college courses for men Promotion of the fact that men can care for children Encourage support within the childcare and education sector to adopt dad friendly policies

21 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference Additional Support Mentors Regular meetings with Students Telephone support for Students Meetings with College Lecturers All course fees met

22 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference

23 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference

24 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference What we have achieved Since 2001 Men in Childcare have had over 700 men who have done some form of training. In Edinburgh there are 25 fully qualified men who are now working in childcare settings. 70 men are currently in training, 40 of whom will be fully qualified by June 2007.

25 www.meninchildcare.com making a world of difference www.meninchildcare.com

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