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Warning Signs of Youth Suicide and Violence What Do We Know.

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1 Warning Signs of Youth Suicide and Violence What Do We Know

2 1. In 2004, for young persons, suicide ranks third as cause for death, placing only behind accidents and homicide.


4 1. TRUE – In the US., for the total population, suicide ranks 11 th of the 15 leading causes of death

5 2. Most suicide attempts are expressions of extreme distress, not harmless bids for attention. A person who appears suicidal should not be left alone and needs immediate mental-health treatment.


7 2. TRUE – All suicidal expressions or gestures need to be taken seriously. Even if you believe that it is a cry for attention we must take preventative action. Most people who are seeking attention do not make suicidal comments or gestures.

8 3. Most young people who attempt or commit suicide have not displayed signs that might warn of possible suicide; that is why it is such a difficult problem.


10 3. FALSE – Most suicidal young people do display signs that warn of possible suicide. It is difficult sometimes to recognize their severity. However, some youths commit suicide impulsively without much apparent warning following an episode of trouble.

11 4. The fact that a person has attempted suicide once or that a close family member has committed suicide greatly reduces the risk of suicidal attempts for that person.


13 4. FALSE – A person who has made an unsuccessful attempt is at high risk to try again. Repeat attempters (those making more than one nonlethal attempt) use their behavior as a means of coping with stress and tend to exhibit more chronic symptomology, poorer coping histories, and a higher presence of suicidal and substance abusive behaviors in their family histories. In addition, people who have family histories of suicide are correlated to increased risk for suicide.

14 5. Although rates vary somewhat by geographic location within a typical high school classroom it is likely that three students (one boy and two girls) have made a suicide attempt in the last year.


16 5. TRUE - Although these rates may appear alarming studies show that there are between 8 and 25 attempts for every successful suicide. Although the rate of successful suicides is higher in boys, research shows that girls make more attempts. Almost four times as many males as females ages 15 to 19 die by suicide.

17 6. Alcohol and drug abuse are rarely related to suicidal acts, since they provide an escape and coping mechanism for problems and stress.


19 6. FALSE-A majority of those committing suicide were involved with drugs or alcohol just before their death. Alcohol and drugs cloud judgment, reduce inhibition and encourage impulsive behavior.

20 7. Sadness, withdrawal, lethargy are the only signs of depression in young people.


22 7. FALSE-These are typical signs but not the only signs. Depression in young people can be masked through aggressive, rebellious, defiant, risk-taking behavior. Young people with these behaviors cannot be written off as just bad kids-they are troubled kids.

23 8. Young people who have recently faced a major crisis or loss need to be treated as if nothing has happened and should immediately resume usual responsibilities in order to help them get back to normal.


25 8. FALSE-Young people experiencing major crises are dealing with potent feelings and are not capable of performing normally, until they have had time to go through a grief period and heal. They need special consideration and sensitivity.

26 9. Firearms remain the most commonly used suicide method among youth, regardless of race or gender, nearly accounting for almost three of five completed suicides.


28 9. TRUE-As in the general population, young people were much more likely to use firearms, suffocation and poisoning than other methods of suicide. However while adolescents and young adults were more likely to use firearms than suffocation, children were dramatically more likely to use suffocation. Firearms are used in about 57% of successful suicides with youth. Approximately 61% of males use firearms while 37% of females use firearms.

29 10. Research has shown that most adolescent suicides occur in the afternoon or early evening and in the teen’s home.


31 10. TRUE

32 11. Since 1980, the adolescent group that has shown the greatest increase in suicides is white female.

33 11. FALSE-Black male youth (ages 10-14) have shown the largest increase in suicide rates since 1980 compared to other youth groups by sex and ethnicity, increasing 180%. Among 15-19 year old black males, rates have increased 80% (2000 data) More total males actually commit suicide than females. There are approximately 4 male deaths by suicide for each female death by suicide. In 2000, the male to female ratio of completed suicides was approximately 4:1 among 10-14 year (continued on next page)

34 11. (continued from previous page) olds, 5:1 among 15-19 year olds and 6:1 among 20-24 year olds. No sex, age, profession, ethnic or socioeconomic group is free from the possibility of suicide. There are 3 female attempts for each male attempt. The typical profile of an adolescent nonfatal suicide attempter is a female who ingests pills; while the profile of the typical completer suicide is a male who dies from a gunshot wound. However, the use of firearms in suicide attempts is increasing with females.

35 12. If I believe that someone is suicidal, I have a responsibility to seek help. I need to notify an administrator, school guidance counselor or some other personnel that are qualified to assist this person.


37 12. TRUE-It is our responsibility to seek assistance for a potential suicide victim. Many factors increase the risk for a potential suicide. Please be aware of these warning signs. –Presence of a psychiatric disorder such as depression, drug or alcohol problems, behavior disorders, runaways –Expression/communication of thoughts of suicide, death, dying. –Impulsive and aggressive behaviors, frequent expressions of rage (continued on next page)

38 12. (continued from previous page) –Previous exposure to other’s suicidal behaviors –Recent severe stressor (unplanned pregnancy, difficulties dealing with sexual orientation, or other significant real or impending loss) There can be a sense of feeling trapped and there’s no way out. Remember it does not have to appear to you that this is an insurmountable obstacle. It may feel that way to the person. –Family instability, significant family conflict Note: Don’t be sworn to secrecy. Seek support for the person. Take action.

39 13. I can’t possibly know when a person is having thoughts of suicide or of wanting to harm themselves.


41 13. FALSE-In most successful suicides or suicide attempts the person exhibits behaviors or expresses feelings that can be seen as warning signs of a potential suicide victim. Some of these signs are –Rage, uncontrolled anger, seeking revenge –Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities –Increased alcohol or drug use –Withdrawing from friends, family and society. (continued on next page)

42 13. (continued from previous page) –Anxiety, agitation, unable to sleep or sleeping all the time –Dramatic mood changes –No reason for living; no sense of purpose in life. –Someone talking or writing about death, dying or suicide –Someone threatening to hurt/ kill themselves

43 14. It’s impossible to recognize the signs of violent behavior until it happens.


45 14. FALSE-These warning signs of violence were developed by the U. S. Department of Education. If you have any concerns about your child, seek help immediately. Please, don’t wait. –Social withdrawal –Uncontrolled anger –Low school interest and poor academic performance –Impulsive and chronic hitting, intimidating, bullying (continued on next page)

46 14. (continued from previous page) –Expression of violence in writing and drawings –History of discipline problems –Drug or alcohol use –Affiliation with gangs –Intolerance for differences, prejudicial attitudes

47 15. Warning sings of violence means that the student will commit an act of violence.


49 15. False-According to the Safe Youth organization the greater the number of violence warning signs that are present, the greater the risk. However, it is important to realize that many children exhibit these warning signs and never resort to violence. These signs can be a cue that something is wrong and the individual needs help. Please refer student to proper school personnel.

50 HERE IS WHAT WE KNOW There is no typical suicide victim. There are no absolute reasons for suicide Suicide is always multi-dimensional. Preventing suicide must involve many approaches and requires teamwork. Most suicidal people do not want to die; they just want to end their pain.

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