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Multi-Syllabic Decoding

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1 Multi-Syllabic Decoding

2 Syllabication Vocabulary
Word Definition/Example Vowels a, e, i, o, u Consonants b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z Consonant digraphs sh, th, ch, wh Special combinations of consonants that make one sound ck Compound word One word made up of two words (ie. sun –set) Syllables Parts of a word; each containing a vowel Use the sound spelling cards as often as possible.

3 Syllabication: General Rules
Every syllable must have a vowel sound. This can be represented by one vowel or a vowel pair. potato pain

4 Syllabication: General Rules
Special combinations of consonants that make one sound are not divided. Examples: pathway pickle path - way pick - le

5 Specific Guidelines VC-CV
Divide between 2 small words as in compound words Examples: sun-set base-ball cup-cake Divide between 2 consonants in the middle of the word. Each syllable has its own vowel sound. hap-pen den-tist

6 pattern pat-tern basketball written traffic basket-ball writ-ten
Practice VC-CV pattern basketball written traffic pat-tern basket-ball writ-ten traf-fic

7 Specific Guidelines V-CV
Divide before the middle consonant if the first vowel makes a long sound. Examples: be-low pi-lot mo-ment

8 Practice V-CV frozen recess solo spiral fro-zen re-cess so-lo spi-ral

9 Specific Guidelines VC-V
Divide after the middle consonant if the first vowel makes a short sound. Examples: nev-er lim-it prod-uct

10 Practice VC-V hab-it habit cabin salad model cab-in sal-ad mod-el

11 Specific Guidelines –C-le
When the letters le come at the end of a 2 syllable word, include the consonant that comes before it as part of the last syllable. Examples: ta-ble bu-gle cra-dle lit-tle

12 maple beetle candle noodle ma-ple bee-tle can-dle noo-dle
Practice –C-le maple beetle candle noodle ma-ple bee-tle can-dle noo-dle

13 column col-umn makeshift propel make-shift pattern steeple pro-pel
Review Break each word into syllables. Tell which of the guidelines were followed. column makeshift propel pattern steeple col-umn make-shift pro-pel pat-tern stee-ple

14 Six Syllable Types Syllable Type Examples Explanation closed syllables
rab-bit com-ment nap-kin pic-nic ex-act rack-et When a vowel is followed by a consonant it is short open syllables ra-dar mo-ment mu-ta-tion de-cide When a vowel is at the end of the syllable, it is long

15 Six Syllable Types Cont…
Examples Explanation R-Controlled bird, birth When a vowel is followed by /r/, the vowel often is not long or short but spoken with the /r/ sound. Vowel Team great, afloat, explain point When two vowels are next to each other, they can be long, short, or diphthong vowels. They can be followed by a consonant or used at the end of syllables.

16 Six Syllable Types Cont…
Examples Explanation Vowel-Silent e compete, decide abatement A syllable with a long vowel-consonant-silent e pattern. Consonant-le table little middle An unaccented final syllable that has a consonant plus –le.



19 Resources Game board Websites:

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