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The Renaissance Mr. Woolley. The Renaissance-What was it? Movement that started in Italy where there was an explosion in art, creativity, and education.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance Mr. Woolley. The Renaissance-What was it? Movement that started in Italy where there was an explosion in art, creativity, and education."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance Mr. Woolley

2 The Renaissance-What was it? Movement that started in Italy where there was an explosion in art, creativity, and education Beginning of the Modern World People began to reject Feudalism- Knights, Lords, Peasants, Serfs, etc. 1300-1600 Renaissance- Latin term meaning rebirth (art, creativity, culture, individualism, etc.)

3 Italy- The Birthplace of the Renaissance Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance Italy had 4 major advantages over the rest of Europe No major wars like in Northern Europe- 100 years war (Joan of Arc) Urban Centers-cities are breeding grounds for new ideas. Crusades make Italy a center of trade, this brings in many different type of people. Merchants and Medici- Rich merchants show their wealth by paying for artists to create new and daring art. Instead of fighting to show power, show power by paying for art (Bling Bling)

4 Italy- The Birthplace of the Renaissance Classical Heritage- People wanted to return to the art of Greece and Rome What better place than Italy- Close to Greece, home of the Roman Empire Italy was heart of the Roman Empire and now the heart of the most powerful “empire” on earth- The Catholic Church During the Middle Ages, study of Greek and Roman Cultures was looked down upon because they were Pagans People start to realize that these classical cultures were pretty impressive






10 Life in the Middle Ages v. Life in the Renaissance Middle Ages Fear of God- DO NOT QUESTION THE CHURCH Dark Ages- People suffer from plague, warfare, famine You will suffer in this life to enjoy the afterlife Basically just try to survive Lack of educational opportunities Focus on the Church and God Renaissance Enjoy the Secular life- non- religious Live for the moment- You don’t have to suffer, God wants you to enjoy life New Focus on Art and Literature- Influenced by the Ancient Greeks and Romans Focus on the Individual- I am important

11 Humanism Humanism- the study of human potential and achievement, success of the individual It’s not all about Church and the afterlife Investigate for yourself, don’t take others opinions at face value (read ancient texts) Humanists begin to carry out classical traditions- art/architecture Humanists study history, art, literature, and philosophy to become well rounded and better individuals-Liberal Arts Colleges Today we call these subjects humanities

12 Humanism and Patrons You can enjoy life without offending God- music, dance, fine clothes, good food, etc Humanists are secularists- enjoy the here and now Ideal was a Renaissance Man- experts in all phases of life Charming, witty, educated, artistic, athletic, musical, writer, horseman, wrestler, swordsman, dancer, singer, etc Ren. Woman- Charming, inspire, not create art Patrons- people who financially support and hire artists Show off wealth and power Popes spend a lot of money to beautify Rome, and show off Merchant families such as the Medici support artists to show their own importance This causes a huge art explosion in Europe

13 What did Medieval Art look like? Very Plain Dark Colors Flat- 2 dimension Artists depicted subjects in an unrealistic two-dimensional style to indicate the importance of the soul over the body. Mainly Religious Subjects Mostly Paid for by the Catholic Church






19 Wealthy patrons in Italy pay artists to create art for them Renaissance artists borrowed ideas from classical times (Greek and Romans) Painters began to recognize real people and common settings What Caused Changes in Renaissance Art?

20 New Techniques used by Renaissance Artists Glorify nature and the human body Use of realistic colors and forms (lifelike) Religious subjects, but shown in scenes of common life Tried to capture the moment Rediscovered the use of perspective (vanishing point) Sculptors used natural postures and expressions to show personality in the work

21 Leonardo da Vinci April 1452- May 1519 True Renaissance Man Sculptor, Painter, Inventor, Scientist, Engineer, etc. Part of much controversy today because of Dan Brown’s book “The Da Vinci Code

22 The Virgin of the Rocks








30 Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Lady with an Ermine)



33 Why is Mona Lisa Smiling? You are to create a representation of what is causing Mona Lisa to smile. You should be creative and thorough in your representation. You may use the following mediums to express yourself. Your grade will be based primarily on effort and creativity. Poem Song Skit Drawing Narrative Other Medium approved by me

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