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Formerly Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect.

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Presentation on theme: "Formerly Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formerly Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect

2  Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder- refers to the range of neurological impairments that can affect a child who has been exposed to alcohol in the womb. A number of factors, including how much the mother drank and at what point during the pregnancy, can influence the severity of the impairments and what functions they most affect. Children with FASD can display symptoms of ADHD, autism, Asperger syndrome, Tourette's syndrome, epilepsy, mental retardation and various psychiatric disorders, but will often not respond to traditional treatments for those disabilities. FASD was formerly referred to as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects, but the new designation better indicates the range of abilities and disabilities experienced by individuals exposed to alcohol in utero  Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder- simplified- the range of disorders caused by consumption of alcohol when pregnant –also better defines the abilities and disabilities associated with individual cases than Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects.

3  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome- is one of a spectrum of neurological impairments that can affect a child who has been exposed to alcohol in the womb. Children with FAS have distinctive facial features that identify them as having alcohol-related damage, including a small head, flat philtrum, droopy eyelids, flat nose, and a face that looks a little bit too big for the head. Children with FAS may also have low IQs, but not always. Individuals who have been exposed to alcohol prenatally and have fetal-alcohol-related behaviors but not the facial features may be described as having Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) or Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND). The term Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is being used more and more to stress the fact that there are a variety of ways in which alcohol can affect a developing child and no particular set of impairments is "better" or "worse.“ Fetal Alcohol Syndrome- simplified- having neurological impairments from consumption of alcohol during pregnancy- also having distinctive facial features.


5 Small head Small eye openings Webbing between eyes and base of nose Drooping eyelids Failure of eyes to move in same direction Short, upturned nose Flattened cheekbones Sunken nasal bridge Flat or absent groove between nose and upper lip (philtrum) Smooth and thin upper lip Opening in roof of mouth Small upper jaw Low set or malformed ears

6  Inability to concentrate  Social withdrawal  Stubbornness  Impulsiveness  Anxiety  Problems with daily living  Psychiatric problems


8  Difficulty processing information presented in visual and auditory formats  Trouble comprehending what they read  Difficulties with short-term memory  Trouble with abstract reasoning  Difficulty processing multiple directions  Poor organization skills

9  Inappropriate social behaviors  Inability to comprehend cause and effect of their undesirable behaviors  Difficulty with task organization  Trouble following several rules  Attention issues

10  Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder  Oppositional Defiant Disorder  Reactive Attachment Disorder  Learning Disabilities  Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder  Traumatic Brain injury  Autism/ Asperger's Syndrome  Conduct Disorder

11  Bipolar Disorder  Personality Disorders  Substance Use Disorders  Schizophrenia  Major Depression


13 Typical mindsetBetter mindset  Won’t  Annoying  Resistant  Inappropriate  Attention seeking  Can’t  Frustrated, over challenged  Does understand  Developmentally younger  Needs additional attention

14  Stopping behaviors  Behavioral modification  Personal change  Preventing behaviors  Modeling behaviors  Environmental changes

15  Classroom Environment  Active Learning Strategies  Establish Routines

16  Have a quiet area  Design the seating arrangement that uses tables and accommodates health issues  Limit distraction such as posters and excessive decorations  Have clear, concise rules

17  The 2 C’s  Concrete language- use only terms that can be understood by students of a slightly lower grade level  Consistent teaching- try to cut down on teaching variations

18  The 2 R’s  Repetition- keep reviewing previous units while moving forward with the current lessons  Routine- avoid day to day changes in schedules

19  The 4 S’s  Simplicity- keep lesson short and simple  Specific- make all statements without generalizations and abstract content  Structure- keep the same schedule and avoid large amounts of free time  Supervision- always have at least one educator in the classroom

20  Teaching Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders  Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Center for Excellence

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