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MDBS Annual Review: 2010 Results: National Development Agenda M&E Sector Working Group May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "MDBS Annual Review: 2010 Results: National Development Agenda M&E Sector Working Group May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 MDBS Annual Review: 2010 Results: National Development Agenda M&E Sector Working Group May 2011

2 Context: Growing importance of M&E The GoG is demonstrating a growing awareness of the necessity, and subsequent benefits, of having a strong functioning monitoring and evaluation system, including the collection and provision of relevant and robust statistics. –Ghana a middle income country –Discovery of oil –Call to demonstrate results

3 What’s good? Greater recognition on the need to strengthen M&E and statistics in Ghana Development of costed M&E plans Commitment from MDAs/MMDAs NDPC support to development M&E plans (technical advice, convening groups) NDPC process to develop core indicators On-going reforms for GSS, and the development of the long survey calendar

4 But…. Too many indicators proposed for APR, and data on some of the indicators not readily available (some not part of M&E plans) Inadequate attention to cross-cutting issues (e.g. gender, environment) Resources to implement M&E plansplans Weak capacity for M&E (skills, people, resources, prioritisation) Poor intra-ministry engagement in developing plans (leadership, capacity, incentives) Minimum attention to M&E results in planning and decision-making

5 Implications APR/ GSGDA –Too many indicators, some not part of sector M&E plans – difficulty in reporting progress –Data gaps Employment, productivity, social protection, natural resources –Data quality and credibility Evidence based policy making and performance based budgeting Prioritization of M&E/ statistics Accountability (Government, citizens)

6 Way forward…. Include triggers for M&E/ statistics for 2011/12 –Funding (released & spent not just allocated) –Availing additional funds will strengthen M&E and APR process M&E integral part of annual MDBS reviews (i.e cross cutting discussion) More engagement b/t M&E SWG and other Sector WGs Improved DP support to strengthening national M&E/ statistics through all programmes Joint Agenda to Strengthen M&E and Statistics (JASMES)

7 Amount as % of the budget In 2009, total amount allocated to M&E and Statistics was GH¢17.2 million -- approximately 0.27% of the total budget for the MDAs In 2010, amount allocated to M&E and Statistics was GH¢101.3 million which represents approximately 2% of the total MDAs budget The reported higher amount for 2010 is attributed to the Population and Housing census conducted by the GSS

8 M&E and Statistics - 2009

9 M&E and Statistics - 20100 On average, of resources allocated: - for M&E less than 50% are released and spent; - for statistics less than 10% are released & spent.

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