Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The Goldilocks Method Is this the right book for me? Purpose Interest Good-fit.

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Presentation on theme: "Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The Goldilocks Method Is this the right book for me? Purpose Interest Good-fit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

2 The Goldilocks Method Is this the right book for me? Purpose Interest Good-fit

3 Is it easy? No book is ever too easy Reading easy books will build confidence and promote fluency

4 Is it too hard? Read-Alouds build vocabulary develop story sense enhance background knowledge lead to deeper understanding through discussion

5 Is it just right? The Five Finger Rule Hold up your fist. Open to any page. As you read, put up a finger each time you find a word that you don’t know. If you get to five fingers, it is too hard.

6 What do good readers do? Look at the pictures Get your mouth ready to make the first sound Chunk it by looking for a part you know Skip, then go back Reread Think about the meaning

7 Happy Reading!!!!!

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