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Prof. Janusz Andres (Head of the Chair and Department)

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Janusz Andres (Head of the Chair and Department) "— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. Janusz Andres (Head of the Chair and Department) Agnieszka Frączek (Secretary) Dr Agnieszka Jastrzębska

2 Anesthesia as a specialty
Past, present and future

3 Reference book Clinical Anesthesiology,
G. Edward Morgan, Jr., Maged S. Mikhail, Michael J. Murray Fourt Edition by the McGraw-Hill Companies 2006 a LANGE Medical Book

4 Pain as a part of surgery
Hypnosis Alkohol Botanical preparation Superficial surgery Galenic concept: body humors: blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile

5 Important names in history of anesthesia
Humphry Davy: (“laughing gas”, N20) Horace Wells: January 1845, Harvard Medical School, clinical use of N20 William Morton: October 16,1846 ether for the excision of the vascular lesion from the neck (John Collin Warren: gentlemen this is not a humbug)

6 Important names in the history of anesthesia
Prof. Ludwik Bierkowski: February 1847 KRAKÓW ether in Poland anesthesia = temporary insensibility James Simpson: November 1847, chloroform John Snow : , first anesthesiologist, face mask, vaporizer, clinical study Joseph T. Clover follows John Snow

7 American and British Origin
Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic Students and nurses as anaesthetists Long Island Society of Anesthetist 1905 New York Society of Anaesthetist 1911 became in 1936 ASA (Anaesthetists) in 1945 ASA (Anaesthesiologists) England: Sir Robert Macintosh in 1937 first Chair, Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons was established in 1947

8 Important names in the history of anesthesia
Carl Koller , cocaine in ophthalmology Sir Magill ( ) Arthur Guedel ( ) Harold Griffith 1942 : curara Paul Janssen: intravenous anesthesia

9 Important steps in development of anesthesia
Ether (Morton) Regional (spinal, epidural) end of XIX century Thiopental 1934 Curara 1942 Halotane 1956

10 Anesthesia analgesia reversible anesthetic effect amnesia areflexia
sleep supression of the vegetative response

11 Is anesthesia safe? Like airplane? Anesthesia related deaths:
1940 1/1000 1970 1/10 000 1995 1/ 2010 ?

12 Safety of anesthesia deaths during 108 hours of anesthesia deaths during 108 hours of anesthesia Airplane risk (very low) - 5 deaths during 108 hours of flight Risk of anaesthesia: 100 x higher

13 Perioperative cardiac arrest
Known since 60 years Large investigations USA, Australia, Canada, South Africa, UK Differences depends on methodology and local circumstances

14 10 causes of Cardiac Arrest related to anaesthesia
Incidence % Drug overdosage or adverse reaction 15.3 Rythm disturbances 13.9 MI, perioperative ischaemia 8.8 Airway obstruction 7.9 High spinal anaesthesia 7.4 Lack of vigilance 6.9 Bleeding 5.1 Overdosage of inhalation anesthetics 2.8 Aspiration Technical errors (disconnections) in anaesthesia circuit 2.3 A.R. Aitkenhead. Injurys associated with anesthesia. A global perspective. British Journal of Anesthesia 2005; 95(1), s

15 Patients with CA Advanced age Men ASA III i IV
Large and urgent operations


17 Receptor theory of anesthesia
GABA: major inhibitory neurotransmitter (point of action of anesthetic drugs) Membrane structure and function: future of the anesthesiology Glutamate: major excitatory neurotransmitter Endorphins: analgesia Unitary hypothesis of the inhalation agents

18 Present status of anesthesiology
Anesthesia Pain management Intensive Care Medicine Emergency Medicine Operative Medicine Education Research

19 Practice of anaesthesiology is the practice of medicine (ABA)
Assesment of, consultation for, and preparation of patients for anaesthesia Relief and prevention of pain Monitor and maintenance of the perioperative period Management of critical ill patients Clinical management and teaching of the CPR Teaching, Research, Administration, Transdisciplinary approach

20 Progress in anesthesia
New monitoring techniques and standards New anesthetics (iv and inhalation) New drugs (inotropic, NO) New ways of drug delivery New management techniques Cost - effective Fast truck

21 Future of anesthesiology
CNS and transdermal stimulation Safe delivery of drugs More specific drugs (membrane function) Perfluorocarbons Genetically focus therapy Noninvasive monitoring Visible pre- and postsynaptic area Hibernation



24 General anaesthesia and Preoperative evaluation

25 ASA scale 1 normal healthy patient
2 mild systemic disease (no limitation0 3 moderate to severe systemic disease with limitation of function 4 severe systemic disease (threat to life) 5 moribund patient E emergency case 6 brain death patient

26 An anaesthetic plan Patient’s baseline condition with medical record and previous anaesthesia and surgery Planned procedure Drug sensitivities Psychological makeup

27 The anesthetic plan ASA physical status scale General versus regional
Airway Induction Monitoring Intraoperative management Postoperative management

28 ASA and perioperative mortality rate
% % % % %

29 Documentation Informed consent Preoperative note
Intraoperative anesthesia record patient status review of anesthesia and surgery laboratory drugs dosage and time of administration

30 Documentation 2 Patient monitoring (intraoperative monitor, future reference for the patient, tool for quality assurance) fluid administration procedures (catheters, caniulas, tubes) time of important events unusual complication end of procedures state of consciousness

31 Safety of working place
gas systems (liquid oxygen, air, a pin index system to avoid failure, Nitrous Oxide critical temperature 36,5 oC, different colours of the cylinders) electrical safety (leakage current on the OR less than 10 uA) surgical diathermy (malfunction of the return electrode may cause burns) fire and explosion (uncommon), temperature, humidity, ventilation, noise)

32 Ventilation management
Breathing systems Open drop anesthesia Mapleson circuits Anesthesia machines

33 Breathing Systems Patient – breathing system – anaesthesia machine
Mapleson systems: Beathing tubes, fresh gas inlets, adjustable pressure limiting (APL) or pop-off valves, reservoir bags Carbon Dioxide Absorbent: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3,

34 The anesthesia machine
Receive medical gases from gas supply Permits other gases (anaesthetics) only if there is enough oxygen in the mixture Vaporizers are agent- specific Deliver and control tital volume Waste gas scavenger system Regulary inspections Failure of the machine is a significant percentage of the mishaps in anaesthesia practice

35 Airway management

36 Airway management

37 Airway management

38 Airway management

39 Airway management

40 Airway management

41 Mask ventilation

42 Mask ventilation











53 Edotracheal intubation
Most common and safe protection of aiways during anaesthesia and intensive care But Need skills and permament training

54 AIRWAY Difficulty in managing the airway Difficult intubation
Traumatic intubation Esophageal intubation Bronchial intubation Laryngospasm Bronchospasm

55 Special airway techniques
Fiberoptic intubation Retrograde (wire) intubation Transtracheal jet ventilation Lighted stylets Laryngeal mask Combitube Surgical airway

56 Patient monitors Arterial blood pressure ECG CVP, PAC Capnometry
Pulsoxymetry EEG, BIS Temperature Nerve stimulation

57 Inhalation anesthetic agents
Nitrous oxide Halothane (Fluothane) Methoxyflurane (Penthrane) Enflurane (Ethrane) Isoflurane (Forane) Desflurane (Suprane) Sevoflurane (Ultane) MAC concept

58 Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodymanics
Pharmacokinetics: how the body affects the drug Pharmacodymanics: how the drugs affects the body

59 Factors affecting anesthetic uptake
Solubility in blood Alveolar blood flow Differences in partial pressure between alveolar gas and venous blood Therefore: low output states predispose patients to overdosage of the soluble agents

60 Factors affecting elimination
Biotransformation: cytochrome P-450 (specifically CYP 2EI) Transcutaneous loss or exhalation Alveolus is the most important in elimination of the inhalation agents „Diffusion hypoxia” and the nitrous oxide

61 Minimum alveolar concentration
Is the concentration of inhaled anaesthetics in the alveolar that prevents movements in 50% of patients in response to a standardized stimulus (eg surgical incision)

62 Inhalation anesthetic agents
Nitrous oxide Halothane (Fluothane) Methoxyflurane (Penthrane) Enflurane (Ethrane) Isoflurane (Forane) Desflurane (Suprane) Sevoflurane (Ultane)

63 Intravenous induction and anesthestic agents
Thiopental Metohexital Benzodiazepins (Midazolam) Propofol Etomidate Ketamine Opioids Droperidol

64 Intravenous anaesthesia
Changes in plasma concentration Absorption Distribution (Vd= Dose/Concentration) Biotransformation Excretion Compartment model of distribution and elimination

65 Muscle relaxants Neuromuscular transmission
Depolarizing agents (Ach rec. agonists) Nondepolarizing agents (Ach rec. antagonists) Cholinesterase inhibitors (edrofonium, neostigmine, pyridostigmine)

66 Anticholinergic drugs
Antimuscarinic effect Atropine Scopolamine Glycopyrrolate

67 Anesthesia complications
Inadequate preoperative planning and errors in patient preparation are the most commom causes of anesthestic complications Anesthesia and elective operations should not proceed until the patient is in optimal medical condition

68 Anesthetic complications
Human error (technical problems, lack of communication, experience, fatigue,) Ventilation (breathing circuit, defect of monitoring equipment, anesthesia machine) Position (periferal nerve damage) Anaphylaxis Latex allergy

69 Anesthesia and perioperative complications
Airway Circulation Central and peripheral nervous system Pain therapy Drugs used in anesthesia Equipment failure

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