Jurassic Period Dinosaurs. How long ago was the Jurassic Period? 206-144 million years ago! Triassic Period 248-206 mya Jurassic Period 206-144 mya Cretaceous.

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Presentation on theme: "Jurassic Period Dinosaurs. How long ago was the Jurassic Period? 206-144 million years ago! Triassic Period 248-206 mya Jurassic Period 206-144 mya Cretaceous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jurassic Period Dinosaurs

2 How long ago was the Jurassic Period? 206-144 million years ago! Triassic Period 248-206 mya Jurassic Period 206-144 mya Cretaceous Period 144-65 mya First dinosaurs and mammalsMany dinosaurs and the first birds First flowering plants, the height of the dinosaurs. Ends in huge extinction

3 What was the world like 206-144 million years ago?

4 What were the major dinosaurs of the Jurassic Era?

5 Sauropodomorpha

6 Theropoda

7 Sauropodomorpha Theropoda Ornithischia

8 Various dinosaurs

9 Diplodocus



12 Apatosaurus


14 Stegosaurus


16 Allosaurus


18 Compsognathus


20 Archaeopteryx


22 Ichthyosaurs


24 Plesiosaurs

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