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6.1 POLYGONS WHAT IS POLYGON? Formed by three or more segments (sides). Each side intersects exactly two other sides, one at each endpoint. Has vertex/vertices.

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Presentation on theme: "6.1 POLYGONS WHAT IS POLYGON? Formed by three or more segments (sides). Each side intersects exactly two other sides, one at each endpoint. Has vertex/vertices."— Presentation transcript:



3 WHAT IS POLYGON? Formed by three or more segments (sides). Each side intersects exactly two other sides, one at each endpoint. Has vertex/vertices.

4 These are Not Polygons These are Polygons

5 # of SidesPolygon Name# of SidesPolygon Name 3Triangle10gon 4Quadrilateral11gon 5 12gon 6 13gon 7 14gon 8 15gon 9 n Polygons are named by the number of Sides

6 CONCAVE VS. CONVEX Convex: if no line that contains a side of the polygon contains a point in the interior of the polygon. Concave: if a polygon is not convex. interior

7 Convex Concave Rubber Band Test : If you can wrap a rubber band around the polygon, and it touches all parts of every side, then it is convex.

8 EXAMPLE Identify the polygon and state whether it is convex or concave. Concave polygon Convex polygon

9 A polygon is equilateral if all of its sides are congruent. A polygon is equiangular if all of its interior angles are congruent. A polygon is regular if it is equilateral and equiangular.


11 A Diagonal of a polygon is a segment that joins two nonconsecutive vertices. diagonals

12 INTERIOR ANGLES OF A QUADRILATERAL THEOREM The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360°. A B C D m<A + m<B + m<C + m<D = 360°

13 EXAMPLE Find m<Q and m<R. R x P S 2x° Q 80° 70° x + 2x + 70° + 80° = 360° 3x + 150 ° = 360 ° 3x = 210 ° x = 70 ° m< Q = x m< Q = 70 ° m<R = 2x m<R = 2(70°) m<R = 140 °

14 FIND M<A A B C D 65° 55° 123°

15 Use the information in the diagram to solve for j. 60° 150° 3j ° 60° + 150° + 3j ° + 90° = 360° 210° + 3j ° + 90° = 360° 300 ° + 3j ° = 360 ° 3j ° = 60 ° j = 20

16 Find m  B, m  C, and m  D. Is quadrilateral ABCD regular? (x - 20)° x° 80° B C D A

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