STC National Marketing Opportunities Harnessing the power of the network for media and sponsors! Presented by: Next Wave Productions, LLC, Beverly Hills,

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Presentation on theme: "STC National Marketing Opportunities Harnessing the power of the network for media and sponsors! Presented by: Next Wave Productions, LLC, Beverly Hills,"— Presentation transcript:

1 STC National Marketing Opportunities Harnessing the power of the network for media and sponsors! Presented by: Next Wave Productions, LLC, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. (310) 317-0387

2 STC: Let’s Play! (Game Show Network) Game Show Network is kicking-off their first ever tour of the country tying in shows such as “Wintuition” (a game show in which contestants win college scholarships for kids of all ages) The events are basically bringing the individual shows to life at malls and events across the country in which local people are contestants. STC partners in individual cities could tie in with events held at local malls in which local contestants actually play the game. Partners can tie in with booths, local media support for your own sponsors, and through internet ties. You may have a sponsor who already has scholarships available, and you can create your own version of Wintuition!

3 National Partnership Game Show Network can provide a national exposure for STC and STC sponsors through mentions about STC and a national partner! A local sponsor which might be looking for national media opportunities at their corporate office can benefit! Local and national STC partnership can benefit from pass through sponsorship (ie: sell the value of the media, national grass roots, local grass roots, and the value of the entire package far exceeds the sponsorship. National or local partners can use the difference as a fund-raising tool)

4 Local Partnership A tour like this comes to individual markets across the country Have a number of booths available on-site (which has little or no cost to your organization) to sell to sponsors Local cable support – the network does this tour to enhance local cable carrier support – your organizations can offer great grassroots education support which is a community benefit to the cable carrier!

5 National Clearinghouse for Media Support Sponsored website which provides for a national promotion such as a television special based on emotional success stories around Groundhog Job Shadow day and perhaps Black History Month for MTV and BET. A national portal website which can link to the media site helps with positioning to national media…site can link to locals but be painfully easy and free of governmental blandness so it is easy to use for the end users. Already potential national support from outlets from Black Enterprise magazine to Rolling Stone and Viacom Properties…there are other more recognizable entities with whom the national network competes…but together you form a powerful alliance!

6 National Clearinghouse for Sponsor Support Local organizations may gain exponentially by expanding on such success stories as Microsoft in Philadelphia by having national tools to help market STC and having tools for sponsor use! Strong local sponsors might develop into strong national sponsors – and vice versa! One strong internet presence lends itself well to call to action links through main sponsor sites!

7 STC sings a new tune! Link to existing concert and event partners targeted to your specific audience (Hollywood Bowl for business partners, Basketball and Hip Hop events for students themselves). Opportunity to work with events and concerts to develop both media and fundraising elements! Concert ties can add sponsor value and even the opportunity to sell related CDs, videos or tickets!

8 STC Success? It’s in the game! Video gaming has surpassed “Hollywood blockbusters” as the biggest industry in reaching youth Career success, as EA Sports puts it, is “In the Game” Create a national in-school promotional platform for videogame maker Videogame maker licenses “content” from Intermediary network Produce unique, effective videogame for students! Tie in retail support to help raise awareness in each of your local markets!

9 STC isn’t wearing thin! Tie in with clothing and fashion manufacturers with percentage of proceeds of certain clothing lines to go to STC! In return, local outreach for design competitions in schools and in-school academies can be marketed to students using your existing networks! Fashion and music are top cultural influences for the student target demo! Contests for best ideas, designs, examples can be sponsored events!

10 Summary Idea starters can make effective tools for national use! Think about existing partnerships (the radio station which plays your PSAs, what events do they have to help you extend your reach?) Does your local newspaper and television partners have sponsors who are looking for educational cause marketing partners? A national brand feeling with all of the local benefits of your partnerships is VERY powerful! Harness existing tools and take a look at the many ways to use those tools which you might have at your fingertips! (media, schools, sponsors and parents)

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