_ _ _ N E W R O N N E U R O N. 6.5 Nerves Homework.

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1 _ _ _ N E W R O N N E U R O N

2 6.5 Nerves

3 Homework

4 6.5.1 State that the nervous system consists of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nerves, and is composed of cells called neurons that can carry rapid electrical impulses. 6.5.2 Draw and label the structure of a motor neuron, include; dendrites, cell body with nucleus, axon, myelin sheath, nodes of Ranvier, motor end plates. 6.5.3 State that nerve impulses are conducted from receptors to the CNS by sensory neurons, within the CNS by relay neurons, and from the CNS to effectors by motor neurons.

5 1. Central nervous system 2. Peripheral nervous system 3. Stimulus 4. Receptor 5. Central nervous system 6. Motor neuron 7. Effector 8. Response Outcome To understand how and why animals respond to their environment

6 What is it made of?

7 Central Nervous System (CNS)  Neurons in the brain and spinal chord. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)  Neurons connecting the brain and spinal chord to the body. (Motor & sensory neurones) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/human/thenervoussyste mact.shtml - TASK: Label the CNS and PNS:

8 Key Facts  When neurons are stimulated they send rapid electric impulses.  Super fast messages.  Gaps between neurones: synapses  Impulses travel from one neuron to another across synapses. There are hundreds of types!

9 Remember: axons take impulses away from cell bodies.

10 LO1: Describe the structure of neurons LO2: Relate the structure of neurons to their function Task Annotate the diagram: link STRUCTURE to FUNCTION. 1. Long axon (cytoplasm extension) to send electrical impulses from central nervous system to motor neuron. 2. Myelin sheath insulates the axon, speeding-up transmission of electrical impulses. 3. Arrow to show the direction of the nerve impulse. 4. Node of ranvier, a periodic gap in the myelin sheath 5. Cell body/nucleus (axon hillock) which integrates signals 6. Motor end plate which transmit impulses across synapses to other neurons EXT Label one place at either end of the neuron where you would expect to find a synapse (gap between two neurons which communicate)

11 Check and add to your answers: answers Motor end plates Myelin Sheath Long Axon Direction of impulse Cell body Nucleus (axon hillock) 6. Neuron endings: All neuron endings will have synapses to connect to other neurons and send messages 6. Connections to cell body will have incoming synapses. Node of ranvier


13 Touch Pressure and temperature Smell Hearing Sound and Balance Sight Light Tongue Taste

14 Collect info and send it to sensory neurons Receptors can be part of organs, like the eye.

15 Neurons : SRM Receptor: Sensory neuron in ear Effector: Motor Neuron/Gland Relay neuron: Brain/Spinal chord (CNS) Stimulus: Loud Sound Response: Jump

16 Label the diagram to show how he responds and survives, including PNS, CNS and names of each parts of the circuit Car comes towards man in daylight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdOOIxcUjAs PNS Relay in CNS PNS

17 1. What two things make up the central nervous system? 2. What is a receptor? Explain and give an example. 3. What is an effector? Explain and give an example. 4. Why do animals need to respond to stimulus? Ext: Give an example of an animal responding to a stimulus: give examples of stimulus, receptor, CNS, effector and response. (Draw a flow map if its easier) Brain and spinal chord Something that causes a response. Receives message from motor neurone and causes muscle/gland response. To survive / Avoid horrible painful deaths. Heat  Temperature receptor in skin  relay neurone in CNS  Effector = Muscle  Response = Movement away from heat Something that receives information. Receptors in the ear receive sound.

18 Stimulus  Receptor  Sensory Neuron  Relay Neuron Motor Neuron  Effector  Response Stimulus – bright light in eyes Response – raise hand to shield eyes

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