North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Overview. North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Page 2 Legislative Requirements Purpose: The NC Back-to-Work program.

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Presentation on theme: "North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Overview. North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Page 2 Legislative Requirements Purpose: The NC Back-to-Work program."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Overview

2 North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Page 2 Legislative Requirements Purpose: The NC Back-to-Work program provides pre-employment training for entry-level technical jobs. Training will be short-term and focused on skill competencies that lead to industry-recognized or state-regulated credentials. Integrated into the training program will be employability skills, workplace safety/OSHA credentials, and preparation for the Career Readiness Certification.

3 North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Page 3 Legislative Requirements – Intent Unemployed Training Work

4 North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Page 4 Legislative Requirements – Funding Allocation Funding Allocation:$ 4,808,000Section 10.16. (a) $ 1,066,104Section 10.16. (a) $ 5,874,104Total Allocation Time Period:September 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014

5 North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Page 5 Legislative Requirements – Target Population RFP ApplicationsLegislation Unemployment insurance claimants Unemployed & Underemployed North Carolinians Unemployed & underemployed adults Military veterans and spousesMilitary veterans Members of the NC National Guard / Veterans Programs NC National Guard Members

6 North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Page 6 Legislative Requirements – Training Plan Training plans include support for one or more of the following:  Employers who have committed to assist colleges with the design and implementation of their training plans and to interview program completers for available jobs;  Companies with registered apprenticeship programs with the North Carolina Department of Labor;  Coordinated projects among two or more colleges that focus on serving the needs of an industry cluster; or  Programs developed in collaboration with the North Carolina National Guard or veterans' organizations.

7 North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Page 7 Legislative Requirements – Use of Funds  Student Instruction  Student Support  Student Financial Assistance o Tuition/Registration Fees o Books o Certification Cost

8 North Carolina Back-to-Work Program Page 8 Core Success Strategies 1.Key Partnerships actively involved with Training Plan. 2.Training Plan that’s Employer-Driven. 3.Employment Outcomes for Target Population. 4.Operational Plan mapped to Timeline. 5.Data Collection tied to Performance Metrics. 6.Budget Narrative that outlines Allowable Expenditures.

9 NC Back-to-Work Key Partnerships Page 9 Leadership Team  Colleges must form a Leadership Team to collect, discuss, and analyze information pertinent to the design and implementation of their NC Back-to-Work project(s).  It is the expectation that this Leadership Team will meet throughout the duration of your project.

10 NC Back-to-Work Key Partnerships Page 10 Leadership Team Internal PartnersExternal Partners Workforce Continuing Education Workforce Development Board Human Resources Development (HRD) JobLink Career Centers Career Readiness Certification (CRC) Division of Workforce Solutions  Basic Skills PLUS Program Economic Development Agencies  Curriculum Department Chairs  Department of Social Services  Veteran Services  Community-Based Organizations  Student Services EMPLOYERS  Financial Aid

11 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 11 Statement of Need  Workforce and Economic Factors  Demand for Jobs  Challenges, Gap, and/or Opportunities o College’s Capacity to Deliver Training o Target Population

12 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 12 Statement of Need  Workforce and Economic Factors  Demand for Jobs  Challenges, Gap, and/or Opportunities o College’s Capacity to Deliver Training o Target Population

13 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 13 Letters of Support  Employer Engagement Strategies Alignment between the workforce and education systems has the potential to improve curriculum development, course planning in institutions, and consumer information necessary to improve student, parent, and educator decisions. The key to good employer engagement is establishing good communications with them.. and that means not just telling them what you have but paying attention to their needs and wants. Engagement is more than attending annual business advisory committee meetings or providing input regarding curriculum. Effective engagement requires building deep, sustainable relationships that ensure curriculum design and credentials meet the needs of industry sectors/clusters important to the region, and that students exit institutions able to demonstrate that they have the skills and credentials needed by business.

14 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 14 Training Plan Framework Credential Profile Form 1.Credentialing Information 2.Exam Procedures 3.College Requirements 4.Course Information 5.Additional Information

15 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 15 Training Plan Framework Instructional Delivery Strategies  Traditional  Technology/Media Source (formerly online/internet)  Hybrid  Blended  Video conference

16 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 16 Training Plan Framework Work-based Learning Strategies  Cooperative Education  Job Shadowing  Internships  WIA-sponsored On-the-Job Training  Registered Apprenticeship

17 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 17 Training Plan Framework Human Resources Development  Course Offerings  Integration Strategies  NCWorks Online Registration

18 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 18 Training Plan Framework Career Readiness Certification  Integration Strategies  Employer Support  Data Collection

19 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 19 Training Plan Framework Training Services for Veterans  Career Pathways/Credential Transition  Intense Training in Condensed Timeframes  Career Coaching and Job Placement Strategies

20 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 20 Training Plan Framework Training Services for Veterans  Career Pathways/Credential Transition  Intense Training in Condensed Timeframes  Career Coaching and Job Placement Strategies Discussion Points 1.Describe the details/focus of your collaboration. 2.What are your proposed education and training strategies to meet the identified needs of the collaboration?

21 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 21 Training Plan Framework Training Services for Veterans Discussion Points for Training Plan 1.Describe the details/focus of your collaboration. 2.What are your proposed education and training strategies to meet the identified needs of the collaboration? 3.Colleges must provide documentation that an Implementation Committee was formed to collect, discuss, and analyze information pertinent to this training option. Please note the required representation on the committee. Please provide a list of the members.

22 NC Back-to-Work Employer-Driven Training Plan Page 22 Training Plan Framework Financial Assistance for Veterans Important Note: Colleges with collaborations with the NC National Guard, military transition or veterans programs may also provide financial assistance to students enrolled in training programs within the following clusters: law enforcement, emergency management, fire protection, and healthcare.

23 NC Back-to-Work Operational Work Plan Page 23 Workflow Strategies 1.Outreach & Recruitment 2.In-take and Assessment 3.Registration Process 4.Student Data Form (Data Collection) 5.Student Support Services 6.Job Placement Activities 7.Program Evaluation 8.Staff Assignment 9.Leveraging Resources

24 NC Back-to-Work Performance Outcome Measures Page 24 Required Metrics  Received services during intake/assessment  Participated in an HRD course  Enrolled in an occupational-specific training course  Received supportive services while enrolled in an occupational-specific training course  Completed an occupational-specific training course  Earned an industry credential  Earned a CRC credential  Obtained/maintained employment within the occupational field of training program

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