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Term coined by Auguste Comte in 1838. The scientific study of human social behavior Content + Methods What do we mean by scientific? What do we mean by.

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Presentation on theme: "Term coined by Auguste Comte in 1838. The scientific study of human social behavior Content + Methods What do we mean by scientific? What do we mean by."— Presentation transcript:


2 Term coined by Auguste Comte in 1838. The scientific study of human social behavior Content + Methods What do we mean by scientific? What do we mean by social?

3 …the general in the specific. …the strange in the familiar. …individuality in social context. --Peter Berger

4 What is the structure of this particular society as a whole? Where does this society stand in human history? What varieties of men and women now prevail in this society and in this period? -C. Wright Mills

5 The Macro From Global World Systems The Micro How we make meaning in every day life

6 The inter-relationship between the two Public Issues Personal Troubles

7 Socialization Social inequality Social institutions Social change

8  How are our social institutions interconnected?  How are we shaped by the inequalities of our society?  How do politics affect what we know and our beliefs?  How are we socialized to become who we are?

9 Criminal Justice- In corrections, rehabilitation, law enforcement, the justice system, parole system. Business and Industry- Advertising, Consumer and Market Research, Management of Non-profit organizations, Human Resources, Training and Human Development, Leadership Training.

10 Research and Planning- Governmental and regional planning departments, research firms, evaluation research, public opinion research. Government- Social Science Analysis, Census Bureau, other federal agencies, Administration, Policy Analysis, Personnel, Homeland Security.

11 Agencies -Social Services, Mental Health Services, Adoption, Child Care, Youth Services, Developmental Disability Services. Education Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities, Administration, Alumni Relations, Placement Offices, Educational Research.

12 Advocacy- Environmental, Child Welfare, National Policies, Victims Rights, Labor Rights, Community Organization. Communications- Technical Writing, Newspaper and Magazine Reporting, Public Relations. 

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