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Science Unit One Forces and Motion

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1 Science Unit One Forces and Motion
What does it take to make an object move? Anticipatory questions from CC .Get volunteer, push and pull person, door, studs try pushing an object and pulling

2 FORCE - A push or a pull that acts on an object
Forces are needed to set objects into motion

3 Forces that can push or pull on objects
Contact or Non-contact forces Gravity Friction Air Magnetic Forces

When all of the forces on an object cancel one another out UNBALANCED FORCE When a certain force is partially or not at all cancelled out by other forces

5 Have kids stand up

6 Balanced Forces Put book on desks. Can you think of other things in this room which are experiencing a balanced force?

7 Balanced Forces with a Balloon
The inward push of the stretched rubber is balanced by the outward push of the air. Outside push of air Blow up balloon and show Inside push of air

8 Now let’s take a look at unbalanced forces!
Remember… UNBALANCED FORCE When a certain force is partially or not at all cancelled out by other forces

9 Unbalanced Force

10 Example of unbalanced force on a balloon

11 Let’s explore Working with a partner, your job is to find ways to show the class an example of a balanced force and an unbalanced force. You may use each other and common objects found in the room. Remember to be respectful of each other and of the things in this room. You have 10 minutes to brainstorm.

12 Let’s Explore… Plate and tablecloth
If______________________ then____________ Reason? Marble and cup If _____________________then_____________

13 INERTIA – the tendency of an object to resist a change in its state of motion
If something is “not moving,” like a car, it wants to stay “not moving.” If a marble is rolling down the hall, it wants to keep rolling down the hall. What are some other examples of inertia? It’s very basic…don’t get confused.

14 NEWTON’S FIRST LAW OF MOTION An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. This is also called the LAW OF INTERTIA. Do Experiment on Newton’s first law of motion: inertia-each stud gets handout

15 Show videos online of Newton’s First Law

16 Assignment Using your notes, complete the review sheet, Newton’s First Law

17 FRICTION – A force that opposes the motion of one object moving past another

18 GRAVITY – the name for the attractive force between the mass of Earth and the mass of objects on Earth Let’s talk about contact forces first. What is friction? Friction demonstration guided inquiry investigation

19 SPEED How fast an object’s position changes with time at any given moment Speed = d/t (distance divided by time)

20 VELOCITY The speed and direction of a moving object

21 ACCELERATION Change in velocity with respect to time DECELERATION When a force causes the speed of an object to decrease

22 We have learned all about forces and Newton’s First Law of Motion
We have learned all about forces and Newton’s First Law of Motion! Now, let’s look at Newton’s Second Law of Motion…

23 FORCE is the push or pull that acts on an object.
MASS is the matter that makes up an object. ACCELERATION is a change in velocity with respect to time. Try moving bookcase – hard – it’s resisting my force and hard to move. Table-less mass, easier to move. Have kids do experiment with film canister and rubber bands using scientific method pages.

24 Newton’s Second Law of Motion Force = Mass x Acceleration (F = m x a) The acceleration of an object depends on its mass and the size of the force applied to it.

25 Experiment time… Wood film canisters, etc.

26 Bill Nye video on Newton’s laws

27 Newton’s Third Law of Motion
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


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