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DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Bite-size training Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Self-confidence and self-awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Bite-size training Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Self-confidence and self-awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Bite-size training Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Self-confidence and self-awareness

2 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Aims and outcomes Participants to:  know the early learning goal in relation to self-confidence and self-awareness  understand how to work with children to develop their skills, dispositions and abilities in self-confidence and self-awareness  know how the physical environment and resources support children in developing self-confidence and self-awareness  gain confidence in planning for this area of learning and development for children of different ages and stages.

3 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER In advance  Before the training session you will have read: Handout 1: What quality looks like in practice: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Self-confidence and self-awareness  If you have not read the handout please inform the trainer.

4 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Step 1 (5 -10 mins)  Read the early learning goal relating to numbers: ‘Children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help.’ Think about what the early learning goal means for you in practice.  Working in twos, think of three examples of interesting activities which you do in practice to support children in developing self-confidence and self-awareness and write them on post-it notes to share with the whole group.

5 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Self-confidence and self-awareness in practice

6 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Step 2 (10 mins) In small groups of 3 or 4 discuss the following questions: Under 3s  Do we feel the routines and staffing arrangements of the setting are supportive of key person working?  How good are we at observing children and using their interests as the basis of future planning?  Do we all agree how to provide very young children with risk and challenge?  How well do we support new parents in understanding their young child’s learning and development?  How do we make sure everyone understands the importance of listening to children and picking up on their interests and ideas?  How well do we show we value individual children’s strengths and abilities? 3-5s  How do we make sure the organisation of the day allow enough time for children to become absorbed in their self-chosen activities?  How effectively do we help children to express themselves in a confident and self-assured way?  How effectively do we act as role models for the children by being open to new ideas and experiences?  How could we provide more opportunities for children to engage with people in the outside world - through visits and visitors?

7 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Feed back your ideas to your trainer

8 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Step 3 (5-10 mins)  Thinking about what you read in Handout 1 and what you have learned today, work on your own to plan an activity, based on developing self-confidence and self- awareness, to use with the children you work with.  Share your ideas with a colleague.

9 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER After the training  After the training use Handout 3: Individual Action Plan to plan three or four things you will do in the next two weeks to improve your provision for Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Self-confidence and self-awareness.  Give your action plan to your trainer in the next seven days.  Use Handout 2: Environment Audit to check how well you have arranged your indoor and outdoor spaces and resources to enhance children’s self-confidence and self-awareness.  Make a note of any changes you need to make or resources which need to be provided.  Hand in the completed audits to your trainer.

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