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Electrical Engineering

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1 Electrical Engineering
Technological World Chapter 14

2 Electronics vs. Electricity
Electrical Appliances (ex: toasters) and Electronic Devices (ex: cell phones) depend on electrical currents. Electronics Electricity Made of SEMICONDUCTORS (usually silicon) Made of CONDUCTORS- metals and alloys (copper) MINIATURE, LOW-INTENSITY currents POWERFUL currents Conduction is finely controlled  they can process information Conduction is not as finely controlled

3 Electrical Circuits Conventional Current Flow:
From + to – terminal on the power supply (battery) Electron flow: FROM – TO + terminal on the power supply

4 Direct Electric Currents
Electrical currents are caused by the movement of electrons. DC happens when electrons move in 1 direction within a circuit. Anything requiring a battery works on a direct current. Electronics use direct currents as well.

5 Alternating Electric Currents
Electrons within the circuit move in a back and forth direction. The electricity we get from Hydro Quebec is an example of alternating electric currents.

6 Why use AC instead of DC? AC is much less expensive than DC!
Less space is required More reliable

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