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Your success starts here at: GETTING STARTED TRAINING

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1 Your success starts here at: GETTING STARTED TRAINING
Your success starts here at: GETTING STARTED TRAINING

2 You Need to know WHY you have started Bravoltd?
2nd income for you and your loved ones. Pay back all your loans. Buy your Dream House. Buy your Dream Car. Help people to EARN. Security for you and your family. Travel the world. Educate your children in a better school & college. Be your own BOSS

3 You Started Bravoltd with your prospect list “Contact List” (Must be written down)
Every one goes into Your Prospect List. Do not Pre-judge!!!. Make initial prospect list of 10 to 30 names with their contact numbers.

4 Contact List

5 Set Up Your Bravoltd Time
This is the time you will invest to build your Bravoltd Business. Allocate the days and time and stick to it regardless, except in emergency. Let say every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7 PM to 10 PM is my Bravoltd time. During the day, you call your prospect for a Business Opportunity Meeting.

6 Work with your Upline Leader
Get In touch with your Active upline leader regularly. Work together in a team. Ask him to show the first few presentations to your prospect.

7 Invite Your Prospect for Bravoltd Business Opportunity Meeting
95% of your invitation should be done through the telephone. You should use the telephone ONLY to INVITE for the meeting, NEVER try to explain the business over the telephone. Explaining this business over the telephone is like having a hair cut through the telephone!!!!! 5% of invitation will be face to face, And again NEVER explain the business, remember you are just inviting them for the business… Everything will be explained at the meeting.

8 At the Business Opportunity Meeting
Be punctual at the Meeting. After the meeting, be willing to share your story, what you have seen and experience in Bravoltd . Be Positive. Dress properly for Business.

9 Follow Up You MUST follow up with your prospect within 48 hours.
Answer any questions they ask. If you do not know the answer, tell them that you will ask your upline leader for an answer. Invite them to Join Now. It is ONLY $40 and encourage them to start a prospect list of 10 to 30 names to build this business!!.

10 Get your customers to come for the Getting Started Training - a“Must”
At the training, we will be able to show them how they can build this business, BIG & FAST!!. The success of your group start at the Getting Started Training!!. The more people you get to the training, the bigger the group you will have.

11 Teach others to do the same
Get all the people in your group to come to the training. This way you are teaching them to do the same to their groups. You must make it “a MUST”, that anyone who want to do this BUSINESS, attends “the getting started training”.

12 NEXT Follow this training system and TEACH them to TEACH others to do the same. This is your Road to Success with Bravoltd.

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