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Infant Mental Health Concepts in Home Visiting Rebecca Hein, MS MFT Early Head Start, Green County Nora Bacher, BA University of California, Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: "Infant Mental Health Concepts in Home Visiting Rebecca Hein, MS MFT Early Head Start, Green County Nora Bacher, BA University of California, Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infant Mental Health Concepts in Home Visiting Rebecca Hein, MS MFT Early Head Start, Green County Nora Bacher, BA University of California, Berkeley

2 Project Overview Pre-production: EHS, Certificate program Aim: To see how IMH concepts were present or absent from home visiting Production: Video recorded interviews and home visits Post-production: Identified and connected common themes that arose naturally in interviews Ongoing product: Share as a tool to think more deeply about our work and improve integration on IMH concepts

3 Goals of Today 1. Co-construct meaning vs directive lecture 2. Show concepts from real-life staff and families to deepen thinking 3. Reflect on our work—how are you using these concepts and where might add more? 4. Consider challenges to implementation 5. Promote vulnerability

4 Foundational Concepts Infant Mental Health Relationship-Based Practice Reflective Practice

5 Infant Mental Health "Infant Mental Health" is defined as the healthy social and emotional development of a child from birth to 3 years; and a growing field of research and practice devoted to the: Promotion of healthy social and emotional development; Prevention of mental health problems; and Treatment of the mental health problems of very young children in the context of their families. -Zero to Three

6 Reflective Practice & Supervision Reflective Practice The ability to examine one’s thoughts and feelings related to professional and personal responses within the infant and family field. (Adapted from Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health) Reflective Supervision “The process of examining, with someone else, the thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions evoked in the course of working closely with young children and their families.” (Eggbeer, Mann, and Seibel 2008).

7 Relationship-Based Practice Early developing relationships between parents and young children are the foundation for optimal growth and change. The working relationship between parents and professionals is valued as the instrument for therapeutic change. All relationship experiences, past and present, are valued as significant to one’s capacity to nurture and support others. (adapted from Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health)

8 Other Concepts and Techniques Ecological Thinking Developmental Guidance Parallel Process Strengths Based Individualized Child Focused and Family Centered Scaffolding Holding Emotional Support Speaking for baby Modeling Mirroring Infant Mental Health Relationship-Based Practice Reflective Practice/Supervision

9 Ecological Thinking Based on Bronfenbrenner, U. 1979. The Ecology of Human Development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press

10 Ecological Thinking

11 Katie Home Visitor

12 Ecological Thinking Katie Home Visitor

13 Developmental Guidance Nikkie Early Head Start Participant

14 Developmental Guidance Nikkie Early Head Start Participant

15 Developmental Guidance Ashley Early Head Start Participant

16 Developmental Guidance Katie Home Visitor

17 Developmental Guidance Jamie, Taylor, Tristan & Nora Home Visit

18 Parallel Process Brittany & Luke Early Head Start Participants

19 Parallel Process Brittany & Luke Early Head Start Participants

20 Parallel Process Katie Home Visitor

21 Relationship-Based Practice Katie Home Visitor

22 Relationship-Based Practice Ashley Early Head Start Participant

23 Relationship-Based Practice Holding Brittany & Luke Early Head Start Participants

24 Relationship-Based Practice

25 Relationship-Based Practice Supporting Family Relationships

26 Reflective Practice Katie Home Visitor

27 Jill’s Story Jill Home Visitor

28 Reflective Supervision Jill Home Visitor

29 Relationship-Based Practice Developmental Guidance Jill Home Visitor

30 Sarah’s Story Sarah Home Visitor

31 Reflective Supervision Sarah Home Visitor

32 Reflective Supervision Sarah Home Visitor

33 Reflective Supervision Sarah Home Visitor

34 Reflections

35 Challenges to Implementation

36 Acknowledgments Green County EHS Families and Staff Dane County Parent Council, Inc. Infant, Early Childhood, and Family Mental Health Capstone Certificate Program Wisconsin Department of Children and Families

37 Bonus: Goal Setting

38 Bonus: Crackers and Crumbs

39 Bonus: Cute

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