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By- Donna Tran and Jasmine Tran. As students we can reduce our ecological footprint on our local environment by saving energy in our homes. The more electricity.

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Presentation on theme: "By- Donna Tran and Jasmine Tran. As students we can reduce our ecological footprint on our local environment by saving energy in our homes. The more electricity."— Presentation transcript:

1 By- Donna Tran and Jasmine Tran

2 As students we can reduce our ecological footprint on our local environment by saving energy in our homes. The more electricity we use, the more that power stations need to generate and most power stations run on fossil fuels. If every house hold replaced their standard light bulbs with CFLs we can save about the same amount of energy as a nuclear power plant in one year. If you lower your home’s thermostat a few degrees; for every one- degree you change, your family can save about 5 percent on your home’s heating and cooling costs. CFLs do not just save energy, but also last 10 times longer than standard ones. My partner and I have decided that since Donna's house is greener than Jasmine’s, we came up with an idea that allows us to compare both of our homes. This topic will help us determined if having CFL light bulbs are better than standard ones. It will also tell us how much money you save between them. We all know that CFL lights save more energy than standard ones, but our experiment will show how much better it is. Even though CFL light bulbs aren’t better than solar panels, they are better than standard ones and our idea will show changing standard light bulbs to CFLs, can at least save some energy. Our parents will give us the electric bill whenever they get it. When they get the electric bill we will record the data and the electric bill comes about every month. The experiment that we will perform is going to take a lot of work. For example, instead of just figuring out differences between the light bulbs, we will also be saving electricity. For this my partner and I are going to be unplugging things that we're not using, turning off electronic items or lights that were left on and is not being used anymore. While doing this, we will be saving the money and even better the environment! Even though CFL light bulbs aren’t better than solar panels, they are better than standard ones and our idea will show changing standard light bulbs to CFLs, can at least save some energy.

3 CausesEffects If we use more electricitythe more the power stations need to generate and most power stations run on fossil fuels If every house hold replaced their standard light bulbs with CFLs we can save about the same amount of energy as a nuclear power plant in one year If you lower your home’s thermostat a few degrees for every one-degree you change, your family can save about 5 percent on your home’s heating and cooling costs If you change to CFL lightsYou will not just save energy but it will also last 10 times longer

4 QuestionThink about your topic and the background. Who can help you?My parents and my partner’s parents What do you already know about this? We know that CFL lights save more energy than standard light bulbs Where are you doing this? At my house and at my partner’s house When will you do this? We will record the data whenever the electric bill comes in the mail for both of us; which is about every month Why is it a good idea? This is a good idea because we can show that even though CFL lights aren’t better than solar panels, they are better than standard light bulbs, and changing standard ones to CFLs can save at least some energy How will you do this? We will record the difference between mine and my partner’s electric bill because Jasmine’s house has mostly standard light bulbs, and Donna’s house has mostly CFL lights. We will compare the data and see which house has saved the most energy

5 1. 2. 3. in-our-homes ngs.htm

6 QuestionConditional StatementIf, Then Statement How can changing CFL lights help save electricity? CFL lights might save electricity If everyone changes to CFL lights, then we can make our houses more greener Sample: Most commonly, hypotheses take three formats: 1.a question, "Does temperature affect fermentation?" 2.a conditional statement, "Temperature may affect fermentation." If, then statement, "If fermentation rate is related to temperature, then increasing the temperature will increase gas production.

7 1. Start with your solution. 2. Investigate your topic-conduct background research. 3. Identify the problem -figure out what you want to know or explain. 4. Form a hypothesis. 5. Create an experiment-determine how you will find data to learn what you want to know or explain. 6. Perform the experiment-collect data about your topic. 7. Write your report-give a review of your entire process from your background research to your experimental results. 8. Make a Web 2.0 Presentation regarding your hypothesis, research, experiment, data and conclusion. Article Source:

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