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Lasik Surgery Bradley Williams 5-25-15 Anaya 1 st hour Informational Medical Write Up.

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1 Lasik Surgery Bradley Williams 5-25-15 Anaya 1 st hour Informational Medical Write Up

2 Many people today would love to discard their old spectacles or bothersome contact lenses. With these feelings many people opt for Lasik surgery to improve their eyesight. Just imagine waking up to clear vision and not having to fumble through the items on the nightstand looking for your glasses.

3 Imagine your grandparents thinking that they could change their eyesight by using a laser on their eyes and changing the shape of the actual eyeball. This would actually allow them to see better. Sounds pretty much like science fiction and obviously messing with your eyesight is serious business. Therefore, before undergoing any surgery all the pros and cons should be weighed thoroughly before making any decision. Make sure Lasik surgery is not a decision you make lightly as your eyesight depends on an informed decision.

4 Lasik Surgery has made several advancements in procedures over the years going from a scalpel to a laser resulting in less side effects and also lowering of costs. Below you will see the simplified steps of the process.

5 Obviously there are many reasons to ditch glasses and contacts. Physical activity is much easier without glasses and contacts. Anyone who has ever swam, played football, basketball, tumbled on gymnastic mats or squinted through the sun or wind on the tennis court understands what I am talking about. Lasik may be for you.

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