To think about Write down what you think would be involved in a typical Christian service.

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Presentation on theme: "To think about Write down what you think would be involved in a typical Christian service."— Presentation transcript:

1 To think about Write down what you think would be involved in a typical Christian service

2 Christian Worship

3 1. Why do Christians worship? 2. Why is it important for Christians to worship God? Create a spider diagram – one half for each question…work in pairs to complete. 5 minutes

4 Worship Spirituality is the development of a relationship with God through prayer, meditation and community worship. Worship – to honour and praise someone greater than yourself. This helps Christians to develop their love for God and Jesus.

5 Roman Catholic ChurchOrthodox Church Anglican parish church What do these different buildings say about the Christian family? What does worship say about the Christian family? Roman Catholic Eucharist Pentecostal worship Quaker meeting

6 Forms of Worship Prayer Singing Hymns Listening to Sermons Reading the Bible Pilgrimage Celebrating Festivals Taking Communion Listen to the following clip: What impression does it give you about worship at that particular Church? Listen to the following clip: What impression does it give you about worship at that particular Church?

7 There are three main forms of Sunday worship: Liturgical - this is worship with a set order of service. It is the only form of worship in Catholic and Orthodox churches. A typical liturgical form of worship would be the Catholic Mass which has: the penitential rite, the liturgy of the word (Bible readings and a sermon, the liturgy of the Eucharist, the rite of communion. Non-liturgical - this is worship without a set order or written prayers. It is the main form of worship in Conformist churches. A typical non-liturgical form of worship would have hymns and prayer that are not pre-planned. Charismatic - this is similar to non-liturgical, but is more spontaneous with people being led by the Holy Spirit. It is the main form of worship in Pentecostal churches. A typical charismatic form of worship would have hymns and choruses (pop music type hymns); people speaking in tongues, healings etc.

8 Why Worship? Worship allows people to feel closer to God Helps bring Christians together – sense of community Makes Christians feel good and lifts their spirits Reinforces the teachings of Jesus

9 Prayer Communicating with God. Helps Christians feel closer to Him Can be public or private No fixed rules Can pray for –Sick or bereaved –Poor and needy – peace and harmony –Closer relationship with God

10 What is Prayer? Christians can pray anywhere at anytime. It can be asking God for something, thanking God or just asking Him a question. Prayer does not need to be formal it can be like chatting to a friend.


12 Personal Prayer Personal Prayer is when Christians pray on their own. God will hear them and answer them when they pray in this way. Christians may pray aloud or they may pray silently.

13 Public Prayer Christians will often come together to pray. They will normally meet at their local church but it could take place anywhere. Jesus said that when Christians agree to pray together about something, God hears and answers.

14 Meditative Prayer During meditative prayer Christians will sit quietly, normally alone, and focus on God. Some Christians will use words of the Bible to help them concentrate their mind on God.

15 Vigils Vigils are night prayers. Jesus would often pray at night. Christians like to pray at night because it is quiet and peaceful. Churches may organise a vigil if it is a special time in the Church year or if they are praying for something very important. Often if someone is harmed in their community there may be a vigil.

16 There are four main types of prayer. ADORATION CONFESSION This is where Christians say sorry for their sins. C = This is where Christians praise God and tell Him how great He is. A = Each of the initial letters for the types of prayer make up the word… ACTS

17 THANKSGIVING SUPPLICATION This means asking for God’s help. If these prayers are said on behalf of others, they are called prayers of ‘intercession’. S = This involves thanking God for His gifts. T = ACTS Jesus asked his followers to pray and he too prayed - such as the night before he died.

18 Other Types of Prayer Silence Praying in Tongues ResponsesSet Prayers Quakers Pentecostals e.g Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) Congregation say words or phrases in response to prayer led by priest.

19 Write your own definition of Prayer in this box. Adoration Confession Supplication Thanksgiving

20 Hello God…. I’d just like to say…

21 “To be a true Christian you must go to Church and worship.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer showing you have thought about more than one point of view? 10 mins

22 How would we answer these questions? Explain why Christians think that it is important to develop their relationship with God.

23 Explain the importance of worship in building God’s Kingdom on Earth.

24 How might prayer and meditation help Christians achieve their goals in this life?

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