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Basics of Conception Prior to Watching the Miracle of Life.

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1 Basics of Conception Prior to Watching the Miracle of Life

2 Image of Female Reproductive Organs

3 Description of Sperm and Egg (Ovum) as cells in the human body. The ovum, or egg cell, is the largest cell of the human body, about the size of a grain of sand... visible but only barely. The sperm cell is much smaller. The human body is made of billions of cells (brain cells, blood cells, muscle and bone cells as well as eggs and sperm). Most cells in your body contain 23 pairs of chromosomes (for a total of 46). Each chromosome is a chain of genes. Unlike other human cells, sperm and egg cells contain 23 individual chromosomes each, rather than 23 pairs. When sperm and egg meet, they form 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46 like other body cells. These chromosomes determine physical traits, personality, etc.

4 Fertilization at a glance. Usually, during intercourse (vaginal sex), when the man ejaculates, he releases about a teaspoon of semen, containing about 300 million sperm, into the woman's vagina. The sperm which begin to swim towards the cervix. Many sperm eventually die. However, thousands quickly enter the uterus, and travel toward the Fallopian tubes. It takes the fastest ones two days to reach a Fallopian tube. Others will gradually over a few days, begin their journey through the uterus into a tube. When they get there, if there happens to be an ovum (egg) waiting, many sperm will try to penetrate its outer layers. Only one may finally enter it, forming a fertilized egg. Fertilization is complete.

5 This image shows the sperm traveling into the vagina, through the cervix, into the uterus and finally into the fallopian tube. In the fallopian tube, the female has ovulated (released her egg), it is in the Fallopian Tube that one sperm can penetrate the egg to “fertilize it” = this is when conception takes place.

6 Fertilized Egg will travel to the Uterus, where it will attach. (Implantation)

7 How would one know when they are ovulating? You may not know for sure, but keeping track of a female’s menstrual cycle can be one way of having an idea of when a person’s “most fertile” days are. The red lines on dates 18-22 are the days the woman had her menstrual cycle and the days in green are her “fertile days” Knowing this is not considered a form of birth control, the only 100% method for prevention is abstaining from sex. If a couple is having sex and wants to prevent an unplanned pregnancy, the couple should use a male condom AND another form of female contraceptive, such as “The Pill” Shot (Depo-Privera), Nuva Ring or other. See your OBGYN or regular healthcare physician for your options.

8 Did you know. When condoms are used correctly, they are 98% effective in preventing pregnancy. 49 % of pregnancies in the US are unplanned (this across all age groups). – ½ of that 49% the couple was using some kind of birth control and still became pregnant

9 5 Reasons for Birth Control failure Taking the pill while on an antibiotic. The pill is no long effective. – Not take the pill regularly. – Skipping taking birth control because (they forgot) or (couldn’t afford it) The condom tore during intercourse. “Having Tubes Tied is not 100% effective. 99.5” effective, but pregnancy can result. Having a vasectomy is only 99% effective and can result in a pregnancy. IUD (interuterine device), shifts out of the uterus into the cervix and is no longer effective. When in the uterus it is nearly 100% effective against pregnancy.

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