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Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Emergency Procurements Tammy Grant, CPPB State Purchasing Assistant Director

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1 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Emergency Procurements Tammy Grant, CPPB State Purchasing Assistant Director

2 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Emergency Procurement Two types of emergencies Usual Emergencies  Brought about during normal course of business Catastrophic Emergencies  Governor declares a State of Emergency

3 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Usual Emergencies R.S. 39:1598 and LAC. 34:1101-1111  Conditions for use  Imminent threat to the public health, welfare, safety, or public property  Can’t be met thru normal procurement methods  Written quotations  Obtain 3 or more written vendor quotations, whenever practicable  Any offer accepted shall be confirmed in writing.  Determination required  In writing, including all facts, circumstances including steps leading to contractor selection

4 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Record Keeping - Usual Emergencies  Maintain a record that lists (required):  Each contractor’s name and phone number  The amount and type of each contract  A listing of the supplies, services, or major repairs procured under each contract; and  The identification number of each contract file  Submit report to OSP for prep of statewide report  Record for previous FY shall be submitted to the legislature at beginning of legislative session.  State Agency procurements exceeding agency’s DPA should receive prior OSP approval

5 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Catastrophic Emergencies  Governor may declare a State of Emergency  Issues an Executive Order outlining procedures to be followed  Governor may waive strict compliance of Procurement Code  However, civil servants should be prudent spenders of the taxpayer’s money  Purchases should be well documented:  Quotes, receipts, invoices, purchase orders, rental agreements, etc.  Serve as a basis for settlement of claims  Will support the State’s request for supplemental federal assistance.

6 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference LA Emergency Procurement booklet  On OSP Website  Helpful Information About Emergency Procurement ent.doc  Includes information and web links on:  FEMA Reimbursement Information  LA Legislative Auditor Disaster Guide  Office of State Purchasing (OSP)  Office of Contractual Review (OCR)  LA Property Assistance Agency (LPAA)  Office of Risk Management (ORM)  Emergency Contacts

7 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference

8 OSP Personnel  Works closely with agencies Establish contracts for resources needed during an emergency  “Pre-order” and “Emergency Contingency”  “Pre-order” statewide contracts  for stocking resources that may be needed during a hurricane  State Purchasing Office will be manned, as needed, with staff during a disaster  assist w/ obtaining resources and quotes

9 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Emergency Contracts  Approx. 155 Emergency Contingency Contracts JIT (just in time) with shorter delivery times  Competitively bid to meet FEMA requirements for reimbursement  Multiple awards issued, when applicable, to ensure coverage of resources  Document files with justification to back contract decision choice  Resource lists have been compiled

10 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference OSP Contract Search - LA eCAT Search.cfm  Type “Emergency” in the contract description field to show all emergency contracts  Click on specific Contract # for details  “View Notes” for all terms and conditions that apply to that contract  Click “Print Entire Contract” to view and/or print a complete copy

11 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference



14 Contract Search - ECAT  View Notes:  Special terms and conditions  24/7 contact information  Hours of operation  Delivery  Contingency Contract Information

15 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference

16 Contractors as Partners!  If agency has primary responsibilities during an emergency (sheltering, feeding, security, etc.)  recommend meetings be held prior to hurricane season  Discuss agency needs and capabilities  commodities and services to be provided  This can prevent last minute disasters from occurring by not understanding the terms of the contracts!

17 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Preparing for an Emergency  Many times there is loss of electricity or access to files.  Be Prepared  Necessary records needed during a disaster  “To Go” box, i.e.  Manual copies of necessary contracts  Emergency rules and regulations  Lists of procurement personnel with emergency contact information  Supplies to operate such as pens, paper, markers, folders, etc.

18 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Issuing Orders – During Disaster  Loss of electricity or no access to state networks  Most vendors require purchase order numbers to make deliveries  Manual PO #s (GUSTOSP0001).  Maintain a log  Keep appropriate back-up documentation

19 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference Issuing Orders - After Disaster  Agency issues order in their purchasing system, i.e. AGPS  Reference the manual purchase order number on purchase order, if applicable  Place all back-up documentation in a file  Obtain any necessary back-up delegation approvals to complete the file

20 Office of Risk Management Annual Conference ???Questions???  Handout: Helpful Information about Louisiana Emergency Procurement:  cyprocurement.doc  Office of State Purchasing Website:   Help Desk Email Address & Phone Number:  or (225) 219-4692

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