We believe God Through His Son Will bless you as you view this We believe God Through His Son Will bless you as you view this Presentation goes off also.

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2 We believe God Through His Son Will bless you as you view this We believe God Through His Son Will bless you as you view this Presentation goes off also fully automatically. As you like. Please switch on loudspeakers. The pictures in this are breathtaking, the words are inspiring, and it was all done for YOU! Stephen

3 The one who takes your hand but touches your heart is a true Friend

4 Jesus said I am the light of the World He who follows me, shall walk in the Light as I am in the Light

5 We seldom think of what we have, but always think of what we miss

6 He has created all things For us to Enjoy

7 Don ' t cry because it ' s over now, laugh because it happened. Laughter is good medicine

8 The more precisely you plan, God says I have A better way

9 What happens, happens for a reason

10 Sometimes the best things happen, when you least expect them

11 Sometimes The greatest events, aren't the loudest, but are found in the most quiet hours

12 The most difficult lesson to learn is: Which bridge in life to use or which one to break off. In all your ways, Acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

13 One can put a thousand to flight Two can put 10 thousand!

14 Everybody sees how you seem, Our God knows who you are

15 He has made all things to bless you. Such an awesome God, we serve

16 Perhaps God would want you to become acquainted with many different people in the course of your life, so that when you meet the right ones, you can appreciate and be grateful for them

17 Plan for tomorrow but LIVE for today. It will determine how you live For eternity.

18 Love doesn't require two people that look at each other, but that they look together in the same direction.

19 Life is only Found in Jesus. He is Way, Truth, & Life

20 I Pray that you : You Know just How Awesome is our God, and Who you are as a member Of His Family I Pray that you : You Know just How Awesome is our God, and Who you are as a member Of His Family I hope you enjoyed this. It was a blessing to do for you ! His Encouraging Word ministries

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