Centers for Medicare & Medicare (CMS) and Insure Kids Now (IKN): IKN Marketing and Outreach National Indian Health Board (NIHB) 28th Annual Consumer Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Centers for Medicare & Medicare (CMS) and Insure Kids Now (IKN): IKN Marketing and Outreach National Indian Health Board (NIHB) 28th Annual Consumer Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centers for Medicare & Medicare (CMS) and Insure Kids Now (IKN): IKN Marketing and Outreach National Indian Health Board (NIHB) 28th Annual Consumer Conference (ACC) September 28, 2011 Brian Smart Office of Communications Strategic Marketing Group

2 Presentation Topics  Update on IKN: Marketing Strategies and Outreach Tactics  The IKN Resources: What's for You  Understanding & Using Social Media: Ways to promote IKN 2

3 Update on IKN  Print, Radio and Television   Grant Update 3

4 Update on IKN  Print 4

5 Update on IKN  Radio and Television (Billy Mills) 5

6 Update on IKN  Radio and Television (Billy Mills) o Placement that specifically target American Indian/Alaska Native populations o Radio – aired 554 times and across 24 states from February to April (ND, OK, WY, OR, etc.) o Television – aired 584 times across 7 states from March to May (ND, CA, NM, AK, etc.) o Upcoming media schedules are set to coincide with conferences in AK, NM and OR (Sept, Oct, Nov) 6

7 Update on IKN  o Since it’s launch in 2010 the site has received over half-a- million web hits and 2 million page views o Starting in 2012, a new marketing campaign will launch to promote the IKN program and website 7

8 Update on IKN  o A mobile site for IKN with GPS location finder – coming this November 2011 8

9 Update on IKN  Grants o August 18, 2011 – Cycle II Outreach Grants were awarded: 39 two year grants were awarded in 23 states. o The grants focused on: Using technology to facilitate enrollment and renewal Retaining eligible children in coverage Engaging schools in outreach, enrollment and renewal activities Reaching children who are most likely to experience gaps in coverage Ensuring eligible teens are enrolled and stay covered 9

10 Update on IKN  Grants: three of the grants focus specifically on the AI/AN demographic. o Southcentral Foundation – Alaska o Denver Indian Health Family Services – Colorado o South Dakota Dept of Social Services – South Dakota  LOOK OUT: Next round of AI/AN grants will take place in the Spring of 2012 10

11 The IKN Resources  Customizable Print Materials  Billy Mills Radio and TV PSA’s  Strategy Guides and Outreach Materials 11

12 The IKN Resources  Customizable Print Materials o Print Ads o Postcards o Event Flyers 12 To customize materials, send an email to with the subject line “Customize IKN Material - Request”.

13 The IKN Resources  Billy Mills PSA o A DVD copy of the TV spot is available at the CMS booth for distribution to local Indian Health Clinics 13

14 The IKN Resources  Strategy Guides and Outreach Materials o Various Guides and Outreach Strategies are available at School Based Outreach Community Health Center Outreach Locally Owned Business Outreach Get Covered. Get in the Game. Strategy Guide o Webinars and Presentations are located at 14

15 The IKN Resources  Strategy Guides and Outreach Materials o Specific AI/AN materials are available at the CMS booth Also, host electronic documents that feature: -Tribal Health at CMS overview -Information on the Tribal Technical Advisory Group -CMS Regional Tribal Affairs staff contact information 15

16 Understanding & Using Social Media 16  CMS has multiple social media sites and resources we use to push out messages, notify people of events and even hear from our customers.

17 17  CMS uses our Twitter and Facebook accounts to push out information regarding news stories, videos and key events happening. Understanding & Using Social Media

18 San Juan Basin Health in Colorado is helping to spread the word about Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus: 18 IKN Social Media started in Spring of 2011  IKN Facebook – 161 ‘likes’ or ‘friends’  IKN Twitter Account – 987 followers with a total of 166 tweets sent out CHIP Outreach Tip: Distribute Medicaid/ CHIP materials at pediatricians’ offices in your area. Visit the IKN website for resources: Understanding & Using Social Media

19 19  Some tips on Social Media – Mission and Purpose – Develop an Editorial Program – Draft a Social Media Brand/Style Guide – Serve Your Customers – Design Performance Metrics Understanding & Using Social Media

20 Questions… 20

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