Veterans Village of San Diego “Leave No One Behind”

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Presentation on theme: "Veterans Village of San Diego “Leave No One Behind”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Veterans Village of San Diego “Leave No One Behind”

2 2 Veterans Village of San Diego Mission VVSD has served all veterans since 1981 and is dedicated to “Leave No One Behind.” VVSD is the only facility of its kind in the United States and is nationally recognized as the leader in serving homeless military veterans. Each year VVSD provides services to more than 2,000 military veterans throughout San Diego County.

3 3 Veterans Village of San Diego Who We Are…What We Do VVSD extends assistance to needy and homeless veterans and their families by providing: Housing Food Clothing Substance Abuse Recovery Mental Health Counseling Job Training and Job Search Assistance Legal Services

4 4 Veterans Village of San Diego Who We Are…What We Do VVSD provides a continuum of care with a full range of comprehensive and innovative services for military veterans that encompasses: Prevention Intervention Treatment Aftercare

5 5 Veterans Village of San Diego Prevention & Intervention Programs Outreach Warrior Traditions Courage to Call Community Circles of Support Combat Readjustment Group Combat Support Group Triple Threat Group New Breed Triple Threat Group

6 6 Veterans Village of San Diego Prevention & Intervention Programs Stand Down - Founded in 1988, is managed and operated by VVSD. Three-day event held every summer Services for up to 1,000 homeless veterans and family members Now over 200 Stand Downs across the country.

7 7 Veterans Village of San Diego Prevention & Intervention Programs Veteran Seasonal Shelter - Open December - April each year for homeless male veterans Veteran Service Center - In partnership with VA and Father Joe’s Villages Provides services to help homeless veterans reintegrate into society

8 8 Veterans Village of San Diego Treatment Programs - VRC VVSD’s Veterans Rehabilitation Center (VRC) A state licensed residential early treatment program for homeless veterans who have substance abuse issues VRC offers residents a safe, clean and sober campus-like setting for up to a year or more

9 9 Veterans Village of San Diego Treatment Programs - VRC Formulated as a social model, VRC is integrated with structured case management and mental health therapy that simultaneously addresses: Addiction Mental Health Medical Family Issues Legal Spiritual Development Employment

10 10 Veterans Village of San Diego Treatment Programs - VRC VVSD creates individually tailored programs: Intense Study of 12-Step Program Combat PTSD Co-Occurring Disorders Chronic Relapse

11 11 Veterans Village of San Diego Treatment Programs - VRC Treatment Team: Program Director Licensed Clinical Director PTSD/Trauma Specialists Expressive Arts Therapists State Certified Substance Abuse Specialists Psychiatric Nurse Interns and Trainees

12 12 Veterans Village of San Diego Treatment Programs - VRC VVSD was one of the first to recognize the need to treat both substance abuse and the underlying mental health issues. VVSD Clinical Treatment Team Provides: Comprehensive Clinical Assessments Crisis Counseling EMDR and Art Therapy Substance Abuse Education & Case Management Inpatient Psychiatric Referrals Medication Management and Education

13 13 Veterans Village of San Diego Treatment Programs - VRC VRC’s multi-service approach is divided into four phases: Assessment Phase Phase-1 Recovery Services Phase-2 Employment Development Phase-3 Community Reintegration

14 14 Veterans Village of San Diego Treatment Programs - VRC VRC Completion Rate  55% of VVSD’s residents complete our treatment program, compared to the national average of just 38%.  70% of VVSD residents who make it through the 30-day assessment period successfully complete our treatment program.

15 15 Veterans Village of San Diego Aftercare Programs - Treatment Treatment Aftercare Alumni Mentoring Recovery Meetings and Sponsorship Ongoing Therapy and Support Recreational Activities Employment & Volunteer Opportunities

16 16 Veterans Village of San Diego Aftercare Programs - Housing VVSD’s Transitional Housing Programs New Resolve Program Mahedy House Welcome Home Family Program Veterans Village at SVDPV Low Income Sober-Living Apartments

17 17 Veterans Village of San Diego Aftercare Programs - Employment VVSD has Two Employment Programs: Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) Veterans Employment-Related Assistance Program (VEAP) At Three Sites: Oceanside - HVRP Program Chula Vista -HVRP and VEAP. VVSD San Diego - HVRP and VEAP.

18 18 Veterans Village of San Diego Funding - Grants VVSD’s grants focus on helping to solve problems faced by veterans locally and nationally VVSD is funded by nearly 50 grants: Department of Veterans Affairs Housing and Urban Development Department of Labor California Employment Development Dept. City of San Diego Redevelopment Agency San Diego Housing Commission County of San Diego California Community Foundation Wal-Mart Foundation

19 19 Veterans Village of San Diego Funding VVSD Funding Sources 94% Grant Funded 4% Outside Fundraising 2% Resident Rent

20 20 Veterans Village of San Diego Funding by Category

21 21 Veterans Village of San Diego Funding - Non Government

22 22 Veterans Village of San Diego Funding by Program

23 23 Veterans Village of San Diego Challenges Current and Future Challenges Annually Raising $500,000 Veterans Seasonal Shelter Shortfall Expanding Needs For: OIF/OEF Veterans Female Veterans Military Families

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