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Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia Leonardo de Angelis* St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE DISTRICTS.

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Presentation on theme: "Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia Leonardo de Angelis* St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE DISTRICTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia Leonardo de Angelis* St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE DISTRICTS 2220 & 2225 * District Rotary Foundation Chair District 2072 (Emilia Romagna & San Marino)

2 ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DISTRICTS 2220 & 2225 Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 The Multi-Club Workshop

3 ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DISTRICTS 2220 & 2225 Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 The Multi-Club Workshop’ goals are Workshop a seminar where clubs’ representatives discuss projects that they could implement together Pleasure to build fellowship and visit local attractions

4 ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DISTRICTS 2220 & 2225 Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 At each seminar, the representative of each club can present a project to the participant Rotarians who will select one or more projects to contribute by funds from clubs, districts and The Rotary Foundation.

5 ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DISTRICTS 2220 & 2225 Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 Thanks to the 8 Multi-Club Workshops already held, the participant Rotary clubs have implemented and/or are implementing 25 projects which total amount is equal to US$1,130,000. All these initiatives have changed the lives of many people, children in particular!

6 ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DISTRICTS 2220 & 2225 Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 8 Multi-Club Workshops 516 participants 188 clubs 66 districts 52 nations

7 ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DISTRICTS 2220 & 2225 Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 The 9° Multi-Club Workshop * St. Petersburg & Moscow 2° - 9° September 2015 The working day * Saturday, 5° September 2015 St. Petersburg Hotel Vedenski * Reservations TSAR voyages Russie St. Petersburg

8 ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DISTRICTS 2220 & 2225 Rotary in Russia – 25° Anniversary Rotary fellowship between Italy and Russia St. Petersburg, May 22-24 2015 I hope to meet with many of you!

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