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Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Why do some computer workstations give eyestrain and muscle fatigue? Why do some car seats leave you aching after.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Why do some computer workstations give eyestrain and muscle fatigue? Why do some car seats leave you aching after."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Why do some computer workstations give eyestrain and muscle fatigue? Why do some car seats leave you aching after a long journey ? Why is the video recorder one of the most frustrating domestic items to operate? Trends and Issues – Health Issues

2 Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues  Ergonomics  the study of designing and positioning computer equipment an approach which puts human needs and capabilities at the focus of designing technological systems  Objectives of Ergonomics  to ensure that humans and technology work in complete harmony, with the equipment and tasks aligned to human characteristics to have “no pain” computing

3 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues  Essential Implications for Productivity, Efficiency, Safety and Health in Work Setting  Designing equipment and work arrangements to improve working posture and ease the load on the body. Information design, to make the interpretation and use of handbooks, signs, and displays easier and less error-prone. Designing equipment and systems including computers, so that they are easier to use and less likely to lead to errors in operation. Designing working environments, including lighting and heating, to suit the needs of the users and the tasks performed.

4 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues  Essential Implications for Productivity, Efficiency, Safety and Health in Work Setting  Design of training arrangements to cover all significant aspects of the job concerned and to take account of human learning requirements. The design of military and space equipment and systems – an extreme case of demands on the human being. Designing tasks and jobs so that they are effective and take account of human needs such as rest breaks and sensible shift patterns.

5 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Origins of Ergonomics  A relatively new branch of science, celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1999 Relies on research carried out in many other older, established scientific areas, such as physiology, psychology and engineering Originated in World War 2, when scientists designed advanced new and potentially improved systems without fully considering the people who would be using them It gradually became clear that systems and products would have to be designed to take account of many human and environmental factors if they are to be used safely and effectively This awareness of people’s requirements resulted in the discipline of ergonomics

6 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues A User-Friendly Workstation

7 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Equipment Checklist  Buying Tips  Ask for equipment that meets American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards Try equipment out before purchasing whenever possible  Computer Terminal  Easy to use brightness and control knobs No perceptible screen flicker Detachable keyboard Reduced electromagnetic fields (EMF) emissions Tiltable screen Character size at least 3/16"

8 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Equipment Checklist  Chair  Back provides firm lower and mid-back support Adjustable arm rests, if needed to prevent shoulder fatigue Seat and back easily adjustable for height and tilt from seated position without use of tools Seat upholstered and padded, curves down at front edge 5 casters for stability  Table  Adjustable easily from seated position without use of tools Bi-level to allow independent adjustment of screen and keyboard Adequate leg room Adequate table top space for required tasks

9 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Equipment Checklist  Accessories ( As Needed )  Foot rest for users whose feet don’t rest flat on the floor Adjustable keyboard tray, if table is too high Wrist rest that is padded, movable, same height as keyboard home row Document holder adjustable to screen height Glare screen with grounding wire Lumbar support cushion, if chair doesn’t support lower back Telephone headset Task lighting

10 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Health Tips  Reduce Glare to Avoid Eyestrain  Lower lighting level to about half of normal office lighting Avoid placing computer directly under a bank of lights Avoid light shining directly into your eyes or onto your screen Use window curtains or blinds if necessary Position screen at right angle to window Hold a mirror in front of your screen to identify sources of glare Use task lighting if necessary

11 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Health Tips  Take a Stretch/Exercise Break  Take a mini-break as needed to stretch your body or rest your eyes. Frequent short breaks are desirable if your work situation allows. Refocus your eyes by looking away from your screen and focusing on a distant object at least 20 feet away every 10 minutes or so. Take a 15 minute break from the computer at least every two hours to get up and move around. Keep moving throughout the day by taking mini-breaks for your favorite stretches. Spread your fingers as far apart as you can. Hold for 5 seconds. Then make a fist. Repeat several times.

12 Trends and Issues – Health Issues Basic Computer Concepts Health Issues Health Tips  Take a Stretch/Exercise Break  Relax shoulders by rotating them backwards several times and then forwards. Rotate job tasks when possible to avoid constant keyboard work. Release tension in the neck by looking back over the shoulder while sitting up straight. Hold for 10 seconds, then slowly turn head and look back over shoulder and hold. Blink often to keep your eyes moist.

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