Division of State Service Centers Joint Finance Committee Hearing Fiscal Year 2012 Henry Smith, III Interim Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Division of State Service Centers Joint Finance Committee Hearing Fiscal Year 2012 Henry Smith, III Interim Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Division of State Service Centers Joint Finance Committee Hearing Fiscal Year 2012 Henry Smith, III Interim Director

2 Delaware Health and Social Services MISSION STATEMENT  The mission of the Division of State Service Centers is to provide convenient access to human services, assist vulnerable populations, support communities, and promote volunteer and service opportunities. DIVISION OF STATE SERVICE CENTERS

3 Delaware Health and Social Services 15 STATE SERVICE CENTERS  An umbrella for services provided primarily by Divisions of State Service Centers, Social Services, Public Health, and several other Divisions in Health and Social Services as well as the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families and the Department of Correction.  Locations New Castle County: Appoquinimink, Belvedere, Claymont, DeLaWarr, Hudson, Northeast, Porter Kent County: Milford, Smyrna, Williams Sussex County: Adams, Bridgeville, Laurel, Pyle, Shipley OVERVIEW Family Support/Community Services 15 Community-Based Locations

4 Delaware Health and Social Services COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT  Funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services designated specifically to Community Action Agencies for programs that promote self-sufficiency and poverty alleviation; administered in partnership with First State Community Action Agency. LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)  Funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which supports financial assistance to help low income Delawareans with heating and cooling bills. Approximately 18,000 people are served annually.  Administered in partnership with Catholic Charities. OVERVIEW Office of Community Services

5 Delaware Health and Social Services WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM  The Weatherization Assistance Program has transitioned to the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. Family Support Services continues to provide assistance with furnace and water heater replacements. THE DELAWARE FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT PARTNERSHIP  A unique non-profit and government partnership between the United Way of Delaware and the State of Delaware (led by the Department of Health and Social Services) to create financial stability for all Delawareans.  The inaugural Financial Empowerment Center is scheduled to open in March 2011 at the Hudson State Service Center, providing an array of free financial services such as income tax preparation and FAFSA assistance. OVERVIEW Office of Community Services

6 Delaware Health and Social Services FAMILY VISITATION  Provides a safe haven for children to visit and re-unite with non- custodial parents. This program is mandated by court order and administered in partnership with Family Court and community agencies. ADOPT-A-FAMILY  Provides special assistance to low income households at holiday time, back-to-school, and year-round. FOOD AND NUTRITION PROGRAM  The Division provides state funding for the Food Bank of Delaware, which in turn funds 60 non-profits to stock food closets and mobile pantries in community based locations. OVERVIEW Community Initiatives

7 Delaware Health and Social Services AMERICORPS AND SENIOR CORPS  Federally funded community service programs under the Corporation of National and Community Service. (AmeriCorps, RSVP – Retired Senior Volunteer Program, and Foster Grandparents) VOLUNTEER RESOURCE CENTER:  Website, volunteer credit, consultations with non-profit organizations, special events, days of service, work with the First Lady with volunteer projects. OVERVIEW State Office of Volunteerism

8 Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators FAMILY SUPPORT/COMMUNITY SERVICES

9 Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators LOW INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM

10 Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT Recipients Served

11 Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators FOOD AND NUTRITION PROGRAM RECIPIENTS

12 Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators FAMILY VISITATION PROGRAM (Families Served)

13 Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators EMERGENCY AND TRANSITIONAL HOUSING SERVICES

14 Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators STATE OFFICE OF VOLUNTEERISM SENIOR CORPS PROGRAMS FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010FY 2011 (6 mos.) RSVP Volunteers2,3311,3442,427 1,234 RSVP Hours of Service 398,368 423,311 443,617 217,890 Foster Grandparents247244269 275 FGP Children Served1,4821,380 1,613 1,661 FGP Hours of Service234,222225,304 256,255 108,922

15 Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators STATE OFFICE OF VOLUNTEERISM AMERICORPS PROGRAMS FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010FY 2011 (6 mos.) AmeriCorps Members657180106 Hours of Service66,13045,816102,51952,547

16 Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators VOLUNTEER RESOURCE CENTER FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010FY 2011 (6 mos.) Direct Referrals897712814 1,037 Outreach Contacts6,197 9,94512,350 7,978 Non-Profit Tech Support147209493 283 Volunteer Delaware Hits8,39036,14032,668 15,884

17 Delaware Health and Social Services BASE ADJUSTMENTS  Personnel ($ 107,500)  Contractual ($ 36,000)  Capital ($ 10,000)  Other ($ 100,000) FY 12 GOVERNOR’S RECOMMENDED BUDGET

18 Delaware Health and Social Services THANK YOU “Working hand in hand with our community.”

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