Www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS Wind Farm Noise Impact Assessment CUMULATIVE EFFECTS.

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1 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS Wind Farm Noise Impact Assessment CUMULATIVE EFFECTS

2 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS ETSU-R-97 –“It is clearly unreasonable to suggest that, because a wind farm has been constructed in the vicinity in the past which resulted in increased noise levels at some properties, the residents of those properties are now able to tolerate higher noise levels still” –“The existing wind farm should not be considered as part of the prevailing background noise” –Survey background noise - without influence of wind turbine noise –“Noise limits and margins above background should relate to the cumulative effect of all wind turbines in the area contributing to the noise received at the properties in question” –Assessment of cumulative noise levels against ETSU-R-97 criteria ETSU-R-97 – Cumulative Issues

3 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS

4 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS

5 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS

6 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS 45 MW

7 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS 33 MW

8 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS 57 MW

9 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS 135 MW

10 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS 108 MW

11 www.hoareleaacoustics.com ACOUSTICS

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