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Native Americans Power Point Presentation By Kris Rone & Sara Wagner.

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2 Native Americans Power Point Presentation By Kris Rone & Sara Wagner

3 Native Americans  Level: Fourth Grade  Unit includes: Field Trip to Sunwatch Village Native American Legends Totem Poles and Dreamcatchers Mapping of Native American Regions Individual reports including presentations

4 Objectives  The students will study Native American lifestyles by going on a field trip to Sunwatch Indian Village.  The students will learn about Native American culture by listening to and writing their own legend, making a totem pole, and creating a dreamcatcher.

5 Objectives cont’d  The students will locate the various Native American regions on a North American map.  The students will study all aspects of tribal life by researching and reporting their findings in presentation format to their fellow students.

6 Field Trip

7 Field Trip Objective The students will study Native American lifestyles by going on a field trip to Sunwatch Indian Village.

8 Sunwatch Indian Village  National Historic Landmark  800 year-old Indian village  Built by the Fort Ancient Indians  Located near the Great Miami River 

9 Field Trip Materials  Permission slips signed by parents  Packed lunches (drinks will not be provided)  Cameras (optional)  Notebook and pen or pencil

10 Field Trip Agenda  Arrive at Sunwatch Village at 10:00am.  In small groups (4-5 students), tour village with a chaperone from 10:00am--12:00pm.  Lunch from 12:00pm-- 12:30pm.  Class discussion from 12:30pm--1:30pm.  Arrive back at school at 2:15pm.

11 Field Trip Foci  Types of dwellings  Artifacts--pottery, drawings, weapons  Cultural practices-- religious beliefs, family structure, tribal hierarchy  Legends and folklore

12 Field Trip Assessment  Active participation in village tour (e.g. active interest, asking questions)  Contributions to class discussion  Written summary on field trip experience

13 Native American Legends

14 Legend Objectives  Students will learn about Native American culture by listening to and writing their own legend.  Students will learn about Native American culture by creating their own totem pole.  Students will learn about Native American culture by creating their own dreamcatcher.

15 Legend Materials  Brother Eagle, Sister Sky by, Susan Jeffers  Writing paper and pen

16 Legend Materials cont’d. For Totem Poles:  Paper towel holders  Markers, crayons  Feathers, buttons and other decorative items  glue

17 Legend Materials cont’d For dreamcatchers:  Thin wood  Colorful yarn  Feathers  Colored beads

18 Legend Assessment  Students will be assessed on the neatness, originality and creativity of their legends, totem poles and dreamcatchers.  Spelling and grammar will also be assessed, but to a lesser degree.

19 Native American Legends Related Websites  html html  t/~stony/loreindx.html t/~stony/loreindx.html

20 Native American Homelands

21 Homeland Objectives  Students will be able to locate the five Native American regions located in the present-day United States and list some of the tribes that inhabited those regions.  Students will study all aspects of life and culture of a tribe of their choice. They will be asked to research this tribe and present their findings to the class in presentation format.

22 Homeland Materials  Research materials  Native American clothing to dress up as a tribe  Computer to type report  Native American visual aids for use during report

23 Native American Regions  Pacific Northwest  California Intermountain region  Northern coastal region  Plateau region  Southwest  Southeast  Eastern Woodlands  Plains

24 Pacific Northwest Region Plateau region Walla-walla Yakama Spokane Northwest Pacific Coast Chinook Haida Nootka Intermountain region Paiute Ute Shoshone

25 Southwest Region  Hopi  Navajo  Papago  Pima  Zuni

26 Eastern Woodland Region  Iroquois  Huron  Ojibwa  Winnebago  Algonquin  Potawatomi  Shawnee  Delaware

27 Southeast Region  Cherokee  Creek  Seminoles  Chocktaw  Chickasaw

28 Plains Region  Sioux  Cheyenne  Arapaho  Comanche  Omaha  Pawnee  Crow  Osage

29 Homeland Assessment  Students will be assessed on their accuracy of mapping the Native American regions.  Students will be assessed on the completeness of their tribal research and presentation.

30 Native Americans Related Websites  Native American arts and crafts  s.html : Native American timeline s.html  n/collections/pacific/pacin tro/html : Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest n/collections/pacific/pacin tro/html


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