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How to Write a Testable Question. Review: What is a “Testable Question?” A testable question is one that can be answered by designing and carrying out.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write a Testable Question. Review: What is a “Testable Question?” A testable question is one that can be answered by designing and carrying out."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write a Testable Question

2 Review: What is a “Testable Question?” A testable question is one that can be answered by designing and carrying out an experiment.

3 Testable Questions have A dependent variable. An independent variable. (A VARIABLE is something in an experiment that changes)

4 What is a Dependent Variable? Something that we will measure in an experiment

5 What is an Independent Variable? Something that we will change in an experiment

6 Testable Question Does ____________ affect __________________? The thing we change - independent variable The thing we measure – dependent variable

7 Spot the parts of a testable question. Find : 1.The dependent variable – the thing we would measure. 2.The independent variable – the thing we would change.

8 Testable Question 1 Does the height of the ramp affect the speed of the car going down the ramp? What would you measure? What would you need to change?

9 Testable Question 2 Does changing the amount of light affect how much a plant grows? What would you measure? What would you need to change?

10 Testable Question 3 Does the temperature of water affect the time it takes a sugar cube to dissolve? What would you measure? What would you need to change?

11 Testable or Not Testable? Review Testable Questions need 2 parts –_____________ variable

12 Testable Question Format Does changing _______ affect _______? Independent variable Dependent variable

13 How to make a Testable Question Step 1: Read the question carefully. Which type of shoe makes you run faster, Nike or Adidas?

14 Step 2: Work out what you would change and what you would measure. Which makes you Nike or Adidas? brand of shoe run faster,

15 Step 3: Use the question style: So the correct testable question looks like… “Does the brand of shoe affect how fast you can run?” Does _______ affect _______? Independent variable Dependent variable

16 Problem 1 Non-Testable: What happens if you wear a sweatshirt during gym ? Testable: Does wearing a sweatshirt during gym affect how warm you get?

17 Problem 2 Non-Testable: Do children do better at school if they have lots of tests? Testable: Does doing tests affect student success?

18 Is it Testable? How does a paper airplane fly?

19 Let’s Make the Question TESTABLE! Decide what you are going to measure For example: Distance the plane will fly Length of time the plane stays in the air

20 Make the Question Testable Now select decide what will be changed. For example: The paper the plane is made of The shape of the plane

21 Make the Question Testable How does a paper airplane fly? _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

22 TICKET TO LEAVE! Write your own testable question _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

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