The Flow of Energy! Food Chains and Food Webs 5 th Grade Science.

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Presentation on theme: "The Flow of Energy! Food Chains and Food Webs 5 th Grade Science."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Flow of Energy! Food Chains and Food Webs 5 th Grade Science

3 Objective SCI.5.5B – I can describe and explain some interactions that occur in simple systems such as energy transfers in food webs or food chains.

4 Who are the players in the food chain game? Make a list of the players on the left hand side of your journals ! Draw and label 3 examples of each Make a list of the players on the left hand side of your journals ! Draw and label 3 examples of each Producers Consumers Decomposers

5 How do YOU get energy? Take a minute to talk it over with your team! Take a minute to talk it over with your team! BE READY TO SHARE!!!

6 Why do you need energy? Take another minute to talk this over with your team! BE READY TO SHARE!!!


8 How do animals get energy? Take out a post it and come up with a one sentence answer with your team! You have 60 seconds!

9 Questions to Answer What is a food chain? What is a food chain?


11 Questions to Answer What is a food web? What is a food web?


13 Questions to Answer How does energy flow through a food chain? How does energy flow through a food chain?

14 energy flow through a food chain

15 It’s kind of like this…

16 Food Chains The path of energy from one organism to another in an ecosystem. The path of energy from one organism to another in an ecosystem.

17 Food Chain

18 Food Web Overlapping food chains with different pathways for the flow of energy in an ecosystem

19 Food Web


21 What is missing in all of the food webs and food chains? Who does the sun give energy to?


23 What do the arrows represent? *The arrow points to the organism doing the eating (predator). = ENERGY

24 What do decomposers do?


26 Let’s See what you learned! mals/kidscorner/games/foodchaingame.htm mals/kidscorner/games/foodchaingame.htm mals/kidscorner/games/foodchaingame.htm mals/kidscorner/games/foodchaingame.htm

27 Today’s Activity! Today you are going to make a food web of your own!

28 Instructions Look at the magazines and find pictures that you would like to use for: Look at the magazines and find pictures that you would like to use for: The SUN The SUN Producers Producers Consumers Consumers Decomposers Decomposers Paste the parts of the food web where they should go. Paste the parts of the food web where they should go. Connect your food web together and use arrows to show the direction of the flow of energy! Connect your food web together and use arrows to show the direction of the flow of energy!

29 HOMEWORK – DUE MONDAY 1. Finish up your food webs! 2. Complete your life cycle stories! 1. Rough Draft 2. Final Copy 3. Labeled Diagram of the life cycle

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