FATS. 9 calories per gram=packs twice the calories of protein or carbohydrates per gram. ▫3500 calories=a pound Protein and Carbohydrates can also be.

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2 9 calories per gram=packs twice the calories of protein or carbohydrates per gram. ▫3500 calories=a pound Protein and Carbohydrates can also be turned into fat if eaten in excess Fat should account for roughly 30% of your daily diet.

3 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly GOOD functions of fat ▫Supplies essential fatty acids -- ▫Carries vitamins A, D, E, and K ▫Plays a role in maintaining healthy skin ▫Plays a CENTRAL role in eye and brain development in babies and children ▫Cushions the vital organs ▫Provides a concentrated source of energy ▫Adds flavor to foods

4 Some bad functions of fat…. Understand different types of fat ▫SATURATED FAT  LIMIT THESE ▫TRANS FAT (*hydrogenated):raise blood cholesterol  LIMIT THESE ▫UNSATURATED FAT  Polyunsaturated  Monounsaturated  More of these

5 SATURATED FATS Increases LDL ("bad") cholesterol and raise total blood cholesterol levels found in fatty cuts of meat, poultry skin and dairy products such as butter, cheese and ice cream Fats that are solid at room temperature also found in some vegetable oils including palm, palm kernel and coconut oils

6 TRANS FATS More harmful than saturated fat because it raises LDL cholesterol, lowers HDL ("good") cholesterol and increases triglyceride levels produced during hydrogenation - a chemical process that involves adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oil to turn it into a solid such as margarine found in most fast foods, baked goods and processed foods (e.g. muffins, cookies, doughnuts, French fries etc). some meat and dairy products also include small amounts of naturally-occurring trans fats

7 Unsaturated fats Polyunsaturated Fats: ▫reduces risk of heart disease and stroke by lowering LDL ("bad") cholesterol ▫found in products made from plants such as nuts, seeds and various vegetable oils, including corn, safflower, soybean and sunflower ▫also provide omega-6 and omega-3, two essential fats that your body needs for cell growth but cannot make by itself

8 Unsaturated fats Monounsaturated fats ▫Lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol and increases HDL ("good") cholesterol ▫found in olive and canola oils, avocados and some nuts ▫usually contains higher amounts of vitamin E, an important antioxidant

9 The Facts on Unsaturated Fats

10 EXAMPLES Clinical studies have shown that replacing saturated fats in your diet with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces heart disease more effectively than simply reducing the total amount of fat that you eat. 3 Use this chart to help you choose foods high in healthy fats: CHOOSE FOODS WITH LESS RED and MORE YELLOW and BLUE

11 The UGLY OBSESITY RELATED DISEASES ▫Type 2 Diabetes ▫Heart Disease ▫Hypertension (high blood pressure) ▫PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) ▫Dyslipidemia: abnormal lipid levels ▫Thyroid problems

12 CITATIONS Living Well With Cholesterol. Egg farmers if Canada, Retrieved 5/14/12. http://livingwellwithcholesterol.ca/about-cholesterol/what-is-cholesterol/know-your-fats http://livingwellwithcholesterol.ca/about-cholesterol/what-is-cholesterol/know-your-fats

13 Videos “I used to be fat”- Josh’s story http://www.mtv.com/videos/i-used-to-be-fat- ep-10- josh/1671874/playlist.jhtml#series=2211&series Id=34633&channelId=1http://www.mtv.com/videos/i-used-to-be-fat- ep-10- josh/1671874/playlist.jhtml#series=2211&series Id=34633&channelId=1 “Supersize Me”

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