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CHAPTER ONE Introduction to Selling and Sales Management.

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1 CHAPTER ONE Introduction to Selling and Sales Management

2 WHAT IS SALES MANAGEMENT? n...the management of the corporation’s personal selling function

3 THE SALES MANAGER n Prepares budgets n Sets goals and objectives n Estimates demand and sales n Determines sales force size and structure n Recruits, selects and trains n Designs territories/setting quotas n Compensates, motivates and leads n Evaluates performance n Sells!!

4 THE STAGES OF SALES MANAGEMENT n Understanding the personal selling function and its role in the firm n Designing the sales organization n Developing the sales force n Directing the sales force n Determining sales force effectiveness and performance

5 THE SALES MANAGER n Plans n Leads n Controls

6 WHAT IS SALES MANAGEMENT? n “The planning, implementing, and control of personal contact programs designed to achieve the sales and profit objectives of the firm.” (Text, page 8)


8 n Utilization of different sales channels n Globalization of business n Emphasis on ethics n Longer selling cycles/More decision makers n Partnerships n Custom-made business solutions n Emphasis on quality

9 GLOBAL ISSUES n Suppliers, competitors, and customers are located around the world!

10 ETHICAL ISSUES n Ethical considerations should be integrated into decisions and not considered after decisions have been made.

11 SELLING CYCLES / MORE DECISION MAKERS n Decisions are made not just for today! n Involvement of many (Buying teams)

12 PARTNERSHIPS n Companies are looking for long term relationships with their vendors

13 CUSTOM MADE SOLUTIONS n Buyers do not want “pat” solutions to their problems n Sales people must be armed with up- to-date information n Sales people must be charged with responsibility and authority.

14 EMPHASIS ON QUALITY n Total Quality Management (TQM) n Sales is a vital link in this process n Tenets of TQM Making continuous improvements Having zero defects Doing it right the first time Employee involvement

15 THE LIFE OF THE SALES MANAGER n Travel n Paperwork n Meetings n People n Sales n Selecting Employees n Fire Fighting n Market Exposure n Managing

16 SALES MANAGEMENT SKILLS n Leadership Skills n Communication Ability n Ability to “See the Big Picture” n Ability to Manage Himself/Herself n A high level of Ethical and Social Responsibility n Empathy and Enthusiasm

17 SALES CHANNELS n Personal Selling Field Selling Major Account Selling Network Selling n Telemarketing n Internet n Others….

18 FROM THE TEXT... n Read pages 4 to 24

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