Presentation slide 1.1 Aims of the literacy module – the main features and teaching strategies used during English lessons – the role of the TA in supporting.

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1 Presentation slide 1.1 Aims of the literacy module – the main features and teaching strategies used during English lessons – the role of the TA in supporting teaching and learning To provide a forum for discussion in relation to TAs’ own experiences and schools To familiarise TAs with the English strand of the secondary national strategy for school improvement, including:

2 Presentation slide 1.2 The Framework for Secondary English provides: a framework of learning objectives for both key stages 3 and 4 guidance on planning and teaching to ensure effective progression an electronic format to support flexible planning guidance on day to day and periodic assessment access to a wide range of National Strategies materials

3 Presentation slide 1.3 The structure of the Framework for Secondary English Speaking and listening 1 Listening and responding 2 Speaking and presenting 3 Group discussion and interaction 4 Drama, role-play and performance Reading 5 Reading for meaning: understanding and responding to print, electronic and multi- modal texts 6 Understanding the author’s craft Writing 7 Composition: generating ideas, planning and drafting 8 Composition: shaping and constructing language for expression and effect 9 Conventions: drawing on conventions and structures Language 10 Exploring and analysing language

4 Presentation slide 1.4 Recommended lesson structure 1. Short starter activity eg. spelling, vocabulary 2. Introduction to the main teaching points eg. teacher exposition or questioning 3. Development and consolidation of the main teaching points eg. through group activity 4. Plenary to draw out the learning eg. through feedback and presentation bulk of lesson time 10-15 minutes

5 Presentation slide 1.5 Teaching informed by challenging and progressive objectives direct and explicit highly interactive inspiring and motivating varied in style well matched to pupils’ needs inclusive and ambitious The national strategy promotes teaching that is:

6 Presentation slide 2.1 TA roles Before the lesson During the lesson After the lesson

7 Presentation slide 2.2 Liaising with the teacher aWhat does the teacher want the pupil(s) to learn? bWhat is helping or hindering the learning? cHow can the TA support either the teaching or the learning at this point in the lesson? dWhat does the TA need to know before the lesson? eWhat useful information could the TA share with the teacher after the lesson?

8 Presentation slide 3.1 Key stage 3 expectations can orchestrate a range of strategies to get at meaning in text, including inferential and evaluative skills are sensitive to the ways meanings are made can read in different ways for different purposes, including skimming to pick up quickly the gist of a text, scanning to locate specific information, close reading to follow complex passages and rereading to uncover layers of meaning are reflective, critical and discriminating in responding to a wide range of printed and visual texts By the end of year 9, we expect pupils to be shrewd and fluent independent readers who:

9 Presentation slide 3.2 Unfamiliar words

10 Presentation slide 3.3 The ‘searchlight’ model Phonic knowledge (sounds and spelling) Grammatical knowledge Word recognition and graphic knowledge Knowledge of context TEXT

11 Presentation slide 3.4 Year 7: some learning objectives for reading: use skimming and scanning to locate the main points and relevant information from a text or source use inference and deduction to recognise implicit meanings at sentence and text level make relevant notes when gathering ideas from texts identify and understand the main ideas, viewpoints, themes and purposes in texts make a personal response to a text and provide some textual reference in support make informed personal choices of texts and express their preferences understand how readers choose and respond to texts

12 Presentation slide 3.5 Whole-class teaching (shared reading, teacher demonstration or modelling) Guided/supported reading (group teaching while other pupils work independently) Independent reading (individual, paired, small group, ‘time out’ activities during whole class teaching) Lesson organisation

13 Presentation slide 3.6 Teaching techniques Direction Demonstration Modelling Scaffolding Explanation Questioning Exploration Investigation Discussion Reflection and evaluation The English strand of the secondary national strategy for school improvement promotes the use of a range of effective teaching techniques:

14 Presentation slide 3.7 Questions What are the greatest challenges you face in supporting the teaching of reading during English lessons? What skills, knowledge or experience do you already have that will help you to meet at least some of these challenges?

15 Presentation slide 4.1 A sequence for teaching writing 1. Establish clear aims 2. Provide examples 3. Explore the features of the text 4. Define the conventions 5. Demonstrate how it is written 6. Compose together 7. Scaffold pupils’ first attempts 8. Write independently 9. Draw out key learning 10. Review

16 Presentation slide 4.2 Making spelling choices Spelling rules and conventions Phonic clues Graphic information Derivation of the word Meaning of the word Personal clues and memory-joggers What clues and tools can a writer use?

17 Presentation slide 5.1 The literacy progress units Writing organisation: organising and shaping writing effectively Information retrieval: extracting and evaluating information from a range of sources Spelling: spelling accurately, knowing the conventions and having strategies to improve spelling Reading between the lines: using inference and deduction in interpreting texts Phonics: applying knowledge of phonics in their own writing Sentences: knowing how to use a variety of different sentence structures to make their writing effective

18 Presentation slide 5.2 The rationale for literacy progress units In achieving level 3, pupils have shown themselves capable of reading with some understanding and fluency and of using different forms of writing with a degree of accuracy. In order to move on from level 3, pupils need to learn how to read with greater insight and understanding and how to express themselves in accurate, well-organised writing that uses language effectively at word and sentence level. The LPUs provide well-structured, fast-paced and carefully targeted intervention that leads to tangible progress, building pupils’ belief in themselves as successful learners.

19 Presentation slide 5.3 The literacy progress units There are six units (writing organisation, information retrieval, spelling, reading between the lines, phonics, sentences). Each unit has 18 sessions. Each session lasts 20 minutes. The teaching sequence that underpins each 20-minute session is: remember model try apply secure

20 Presentation slide 5.4 Sharing information What kind of information will you and the teacher need to share before you run an LPU session with a small group of five or six pupils? What kind of information will you and the teacher need to share after the session?

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