Parent Information Meeting for Accelerated Math I, High School Physical Science, 8 th Grade Lit/Comp, and Spanish I.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Information Meeting for Accelerated Math I, High School Physical Science, 8 th Grade Lit/Comp, and Spanish I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Information Meeting for Accelerated Math I, High School Physical Science, 8 th Grade Lit/Comp, and Spanish I

2 Class of 2015 The Cherokee County School District is committed to providing a quality education for all students. To ensure that our students are able to compete in a global community, qualifying 8 th grade students are able to take up to three high school credit courses.

3 1. EOCT will be given in Accelerated Math I and Physical Science (no opting out) 2. Grades are used for high school GPA 3. Grades are not used for HOPE 4. Accelerated Math I is Honors course and receives 5 bonus points 5. No schedule changes after the first 9 weeks.

4 What is the Accelerated Math I class? The Accelerated Math I class encompasses the entire freshman year of math plus half of sophomore year math. Students in the Accelerated Math I class will learn a year and half’s worth of math in one school year.

5 At A Glance School Year/GradeMath Class 2009 – 2010/ 7 th GradeMath 7/Advanced Math 7 Accelerated Math 7 2010 – 2011/8 th GradeMath 8/Advanced Math 8 Accelerated Math I 2011 – 2012/9 th GradeMath I/Accelerated Math I Accelerated Math II 2012 – 2013/10 th GradeMath II/Accelerated Math II AP Statistics 2013 – 2014 /11 th GradeMath III/Accelerated Math III Accelerated Math III 2014 – 2015/ 12 th GradeMath IV/AP Statistics AP Calculus


7 What is the High School Physical Science class? The Physical Science course for high school credit is taught at a High School level and will earn one Carnegie unit credit towards high school graduation. The course will include lectures, lab activities, visuals, discussions, note taking, group work and technology in order to enhance the students’ ability to grasp the concepts of Physical Science

8 Physical Science Assess prior knowledge Curriculum Compacting – Faster Pacing More depth Assignments/Labs – Abstract, multifaceted Assessments – Higher-Level Questioning


10 8 th Grade Lit/Comp Advanced Eighth Grade Lit/Comp integrates performance standards for both reading and language arts. The accelerated pace will provide instruction and enrichment in writing, grammar, literature analysis, and vocabulary development.


12 Bienvenidos a Español 1 Janet Baggett Spanish goals: Communication Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening proficiency Knowledge of current issues Understanding of the culture

13 Spanish I Themes  Numbers  Body Parts  School/Class routine  Self  Sports & Leisure Time  Stores & Shopping  Time and Calendar  Weather  Celebrations  Clothes  Colors  Customs & Etiquette  Family & Friends  Foods, Meals, Restaurants  Geography

14 Grading Scale Tests25% Homework/ Classwork20% Quizzes20% Participation20% Semester Exam15%

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