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Introducing….. Spinal Decompression Therapy Presented by: 1(800)749-5804.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing….. Spinal Decompression Therapy Presented by: 1(800)749-5804."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing….. Spinal Decompression Therapy Presented by: 1(800)749-5804

2 There is No Shortage of Patients Out There 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time. One-half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year. Back pain is the 2 nd most common reason for missed work and visits to the doctor’s office, (Up Resp Inf #1) Most cases of back pain are mechanical or non- organic—meaning they are not caused by serious conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer. Americans spend at least $50 billion each year on back pain—and that’s just for the more easily identified costs. Experts estimate that as many as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some time in our lives.

3 Why Spinal Decompression Is The Future of Back Pain Relief Why Are Incidents of Back Pain Increasing Despite all the New Drugs and Surgery Options Available? Looking at those statistics, is it possible there is a better way to treat back pain?

4 Patients Are Already Paying Someone Else $3,000 to $6,000 Per Case Thousands of Patients have already paid Doctors $3,000 to $6,000 per case to get their back pain treated. Millions more will pay the same amount of money over the next few years to get their back pain treated. Would you rather see that money in your bank account or someone else’s?

5 Where Does Back Pain Come From? Disc related problems are the #1 Cause of low back pain. The Two Main Causes of Disc Problems are: 1.Herniations 2.Degeneration

6 Back Pain From Disc Herniations When Too Much Pressure is Placed on The Disc, It Bulges or Herniates. Think of It Like a Jelly Doughnut… Squeeze it Too Hard and the Jelly Comes Out.

7 Disc Herniations Injury, poor lifting, and poor posture can cause the disc to bulge or herniate…like squishing the jelly out of a doughnut. A Disc Herniation Can Pinch Nerves that Run Down Your Arms or Legs.

8 Disc Degeneration The three (3) Most Common Reasons for Disc Degeneration: 1. Age 2. Genetics 3. Injury

9 Did You Know? That The Blood Supply To A Disc Atrophies (Dies off)? Studies show that around 12-14 years of age, the blood supply to a disc atrophies. That means there is no direct circulation going through a disc. There is blood supply outside the disc on people of all ages. This blood supply must be forced into the disc through specific movements to prevent disc, maintain the health of the disc, and allow healing if injury occurs.

10 Where Does Back Pain Come From?...continued… Loss of Disc Height Transfers 75% of the Weight Bearing Load off of the Discs and Onto the Posterior Joints. This Causes Bone Spurs Around the Facet Joints in the Spinal Chord Canal and Where the Nerves Come Out. Losing the Vertical Height of Your Spine Is One of the Most Dangerous Conditions to Your Spine and Nervous System. Disc Degeneration + Bone Spurs=Arthritis

11 Arthritis

12 Arthritic Degeneration Thick, Hydrated / Thinner, Degenerated

13 Regenerating the Disc Since there is no direct blood supply into the disc, the only way to get nutrition and oxygen into the disc is by “imbibition.” Imbibition is where motion moves the blood flow into the disc and forces waste products out.

14 Nerve Problems Irritation to the Sciatic Nerve Caused by a Herniation or Degeneration Can Cause the Following Symptoms in Your Back and Leg: Pain Numbness Tingling Down Your Leg

15 Nerves of the Arm Irritation to one of the Nerves in the Neck by a Herniation or Degeneration Can Lead to Following Symptoms in the Neck and Down the Arm: Pain Weakness Numbness and Tingling

16 Then… How Back Pain Has Been Treated

17 Treatment Options Drugs & Surgery Non-Drug - Pain Killers - Exercise - Muscle Relaxers - Chiropractic - Anti-Inflammatories - Therapy/Rehab - Surgery - Massage

18 Pain Killers Vicodin/Hydrocodone side effects include: Habit forming Seizures Constipation Weak breathing Unconsciousness Unusual fatigue, bleeding, bruising Decreased sex drive

19 Anti-Inflammatories “There’s an epidemic of adverse drug reactions to NSAIDs. The Food and Drug Administration believes anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 deaths each year are the result of severe bleeding caused by NSAIDs. It’s a big problem.” Quoted from Dr James F. Fries, one of the country’s leading arthritis experts and a professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine.

20 Anti-Inflammatories cont… NSAID’s or “non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs” include: Ibuprofen Naproxen Cox-2 Inhibitors Side Effects Include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, decreased appetite, rash, dizziness, headache, and drowsiness. NSAIDs may also cause fluid retention, leading to edema. The most serious side effects are kidney failure, liver failure, ulcers and prolonged bleeding after an injury or surgery.

21 Muscle Relaxers Muscle Relaxers, such as Soma and Flexeril, for example, have the following side effects: Possible addiction or dependence Drowsiness or dizziness Changes in vision and headache Clumsiness Nausea and vomiting

22 Spinal Surgery WARNING: The following picture shows what spinal surgery looks like…

23 Spinal Surgery

24 X-Ray

25 Spinal Surgery Statistics Surgery: How many horrible stories have you heard about someone having spinal surgery? The statistics are not very favorable to the patient. For example, Eugene Carragee MD, of Stanford University performs spinal surgery only on a select group of patients who he carefully screens. His conclusions:  Less than 25% will be completely successful. (even after carefully screening them)  For the majority of the patients, the surgery does not have a dramatic impact on their pain or mobility  A patient’s prospect for a future free from back pain is “fairly poor”.

26 Another Spinal Surgery Statistic The April 8, 2002 Issue of New Yorker Online Magazine Found that of Patients Who Had Spinal Surgery…. 72% Needed Further Surgery!

27 Medical and Alternative Procedures The one common thing many patients have experienced with medical and alternative procedures is they don’t feel like the improvement is permanent. In other words, patients have received benefit from treatment, only to find the problem comes back again.

28 Are We On The Right Track? Looking at those statistics, is it possible we are not doing the right thing?

29 Now… How Back Pain Is Now Being Treated

30 Spinal Decompression… THE Back Pain Solution! Until Now, Drugs, Surgery, Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Were the ONLY Options for Back Pain… Today, The DRX9000™ Spinal Decompression System is Emerging as a Leading Solution for Your Back Pain!

31 The DRX9000™ Spinal Decompression System So, Let Us Answer: How Spinal Decompression Emerged? How it Works? What It Treats? How Effective it is? And more…

32 The NASA Story More Than a Decade Ago NASA Researchers Discovered the Following from Sending Astronauts Into Space: 1.They Grew Up to Two Inches Taller While in Space 2.Their Back Pain Went Away Under Anti- Gravity Conditions

33 Disc Decompression Researchers at NASA were the first to investigate how to reproduce the same effects of disc decompression on Earth. Their research has led to the products we see on the market today.

34 Pressure on the Discs Everyday Pressures in the Disc Range from 200-300 mm hg Depending on Whether You are Standing or Sitting.

35 Disc Pressure Chart

36 Spinal Decompression Produces a Negative Pressure In a Study Published by The Journal of Neurosurgery, Researchers Placed a Pressure-Sensor in a Disc While the Patient Was on Decompression and Found that the Disc Pressure Dropped to -100 mm hg.

37 Contraindications of Spinal Decompression 1.Pregnancy 2.Cancer in the Bones 3.Prior Low Back Fusion

38 Who Needs Spinal Decompression? People Suffering From: Herniated or Bulging Discs Acute or Chronic Back Pain Sciatica Facet Syndrome Degenerative Disc Disease Leg Pain

39 Decompression & Disc Herniations The Negative Pressure Created by Spinal Decompression Sucks in the Herniated Material Back into the Middle. This Takes the Pressure Off of Nerves and Discs Alleviating Pain, Numbness, and Tingling.

40 Decompression Effects on Degeneration This Negative Pressure: Improves Disc Nutrition Rehydrates the Disc Regenerates the Disc

41 Why The DRX900 Is The Most Effective Table On The Market The most significant difference between standard traction tables, lower end tables and the DRX-9000 is that other tables have no continual feedback mechanism which can adjust the weight being applied to the spine during treatment to ensure safety and to prevent the lumbar paraspinal muscles from tightening. The DRX-9000 reads the amount of pressure being applied to the spine 13 times per second and adjusts if it detects a change in pressure. This is done using special servo motors that alone cost as much as entire non-DRX standard traction tables.

42 The DRX9000 Is The Best Table On The Market Today The DRX-9000 also uses a slow logorythmic ramp up mechanism to slowly increase the weight to the pressure recommended by the patients' Doctor. Studies have shown that pulling on the spine even a few milliseconds too fast with standard traction devices can cause a stretch reflex to be set off in the back muscles which sends a signal to the brain and back to the paraspinal muscles to tighten up resulting in pain and an actual increase in intra-discal pressure. This is virtually eliminated with the DRX-9000 ensuring that every time the DRX goes through a cycle it achieves a repeatable drop in intra-discal pressure.

43 Does Decompression Work As Well As They Say It Does? An 8 page special report was recently published in the Anesthesiology News Medical Journal about the DRX9000 Decompression System. The Special Report is entitled: “Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression to Treat Chronic Low Back Pain.” There are three highly recognized medical doctors, including Dr. John B. Leslie, MD of the Mayo Clinic, that were in charge of the study.

44 89% Success Rate Non-surgical Spinal Decompression with the DRX9000 showed promise in treating LBP arising from multiple causes, up to 90% pain reduction, and satisfaction scores of 8.5 out of 10. Conclusion: A 6 week course of 20 DRX9000 treatments significantly reduced the severity of chronic low back pain in 89% of treated patients. Presented at New York State Society or Anesthesiologist on 12/11/2007

45 Another Study A Study in 22 Medical Centers by The Journal of Neurological Research (April 1998) Showed: 778 Patient Cases 40 Month Avg. Time of Symptoms Avg. Pain was 4.2 out of 5 Success Was Considered a 0-1 out of 5 (little or no pain whatsoever). Overall, Treatment was Successful with 71% of the Patients

46 An 86% Success Rate A Study Reported by The Orthopedic Technology Review (Nov. 2003) Showed: 219 Patients with Herniated and Degenerated Disc 86% Showed Immediate Improvement 92% Improved Overall Only 2% relapsed within 90 Days

47 But Are The Results Permanent? The Anesthesiology News (2003) Reported: 4 Year Study 91% of People Resume Normal, Daily Activities Over 80% showed 50% or Better Pain Reduction at the End of the 4 Year study. Greater than 50% Still Had a Pain Level of Zero!

48 Why Choose DYD? What Sets Double Your Decompression Apart from Everybody Else?

49 9 Exclusive Advantages Advantage #1 : We Can PROVE to You this Very Second, With One Click of Your Mouse, that Our Prices are FAR Lower than the Competition's Price Advantage #2 : Buying a 2006 DRX9000 TM from Us Will Literally Save You $75,000! (Based on an Average Credit Score) Advantage #3 : We Show You Special Tax Loopholes to Save an Extra 40% on Our Already Deeply Discounted Prices Continued on next slide…

50 9 Exclusive Advantages Continued… Advantage #4 : Our Machines are Pre- Inspected to be as Represented and In Good Working Condition. Advantage #5 : Ensure Your Success with a $1,000 Discount on the Industry Leading Double Your Decompression: Guaranteed Marketing Program TM Available at Advantage #6: Studies Have Shown the DRX9000 TM To Be Effective on Over 80% of Back Pain Patients

51 9 Exclusive Advantages Continued… Advantage #7: We Give You a Credit Repair and Credit Builder Program FREE which are Capable of Increasing Your Credit Score by 50-100 points! Advantage #8: The DRX9000 TM Is the Leading Table on the Market Today Advantage #9: Certain Warranties Available Upon Request

52 What Patients Are Saying About Spinal Decompression “My quality of life has completely changed since starting this treatment. I had almost zero mobility; everything I did caused pain. Today, I am near 100% pain free, and resumed to nearly all my normal activities.” – Luis D. “Four years of pain pills and doctors telling me there was nothing else they could do besides surgery. I cancelled my surgery two days before. After a free consultation and 24 visits later, no more pain pills. This was the best decision I ever made!” – Kathy B.

53 “20 Yrs. Of Back Pain…Gone!” “Having had 20 plus years of back/spinal problems, herniated discs and degenerated disc disease I have tried everything from chiropractic, physical therapy, and Cortisone injection outpatient procedures, I was extremely skeptical of the whole DRX9000 decompression therapy. But, having spinal surgery as my next step for relief, I was willing to give it a try. Needless to say, I am overjoyed that I made this decision.” – Carri L. (Mesa, AZ)

54 What Others are Saying… “The DRX9000 has been a Godsend.” – Nina B. “The DRX9000 has given me my life back.” – Judi T. “Would I recommend it for others? Absolutely!” – Jan N.

55 Decompression After Failed Surgery? “After having surgery for a herniated disc, I still suffered with debilitating lower back pain, which left me unable to walk at times…It wasn’t until I began my treatments on the DRX9000 that I finally had hope of actually curing my back problems and not treating the symptoms. It has helped me get back to a more active life and I am very grateful for the results”. – Kay B.

56 For More Info… Call Us Toll Free at: 1(800) 749-5804 Or Visit Our Website at You Can Also Email Your Questions to:

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