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Choosing Resources for Information An almanac contains facts such as weather, population, currency, and geography facts. Almanac.

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2 Choosing Resources for Information

3 An almanac contains facts such as weather, population, currency, and geography facts. Almanac

4 An atlas contains maps and most atlases also have mileage indicators. Atlas

5 The Internet contains current information on many topics, including current weather. It also has online encyclopedias and other types of resources. Internet

6 A live interview provides a first-hand account of a person's experiences. Live Interview

7 The newspaper gives the most current daily news such as current events, sports information, and daily weather. Newspaper

8 The encyclopedia has information on many general topics and people in history. Encyclopedia

9 The dictionary will give correct spellings of words, their meanings and how to pronounce a word. Dictionary

10 An online library catalog will give you the names of authors, titles of books available and a listing of books available in the library. Library Catalog

11 Let’s Play a Game Choose the best resource for the information needed.

12 Tyler has a report due on American Presidents. What resource should he use? 1.Newspaper 2.Live interview 3.Encyclopedia 4.Atlas

13 Kate is doing research on tigers. Where should she look first for information? 1.Newspaper 2.Almanac 3.Encyclopedia 4.Interview with someone that's been to a zoo and seen a tiger

14 Kayla wants to know what it would be like to be a teacher. Where should she turn? 1.Dictionary 2.An interview with a teacher 3.Encyclopedia 4.Educational journal

15 Tanya loves to read books by Rick Riordan. What resource should she use to find books written by the author? 1.Interview 2.Almanac 3.Library Catalog 4.Dictionary

16 Alex is doing a report on Brazil and needs to know what the country's average temperature is in the winter. Where should he look first? 1.Dictionary 2.Television 3.Almanac 4.Newspaper

17 Jaylen needs to find the meaning of the word “confused". What resource should he use? 1.Almanac 2.Atlas 3.Dictionary 4.Library Catalog

18 Websites 1.Go to Destiny Library Catalog 2.Click on the link for the media center website 3.Explore online encyclopedias, atlases, almanacs and dictionaries

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